Chapter 1362 Had a Spring Dream

Jin Zijin's face was not very good-looking, he carried Gu Youyou into the room, and asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter, Ah Jing has always been open-minded and rarely gets angry, I think he looks angry."

Gu Youyou said: "He's still confused and didn't understand the situation. I'm just helping him sort it out."


Gu Youyou said calmly: "He obviously likes women with an equally open-minded temperament, but he thinks that he likes ladies who are cautious in words and deeds. If you don't provoke him, he won't be able to turn his head around."

Jin Zijin laughed and said, "So you can see it too? Oh, it's okay, I won't be able to bear it when he has more contact with the princess."

Gu Youyou was startled, it turns out that Jin Zijin also knew.

Depressed, Yue Rujing lay alone on a bench with her hands under her head, looking up at the ceiling.

He is only a few years younger than Jin Zijin, and he looks like he is almost thirty, and he wants to take care of the middle school. There are very few men who have not married a wife at thirty, and most of them are too poor to afford to marry.

If he hadn't been born in Taoist sect, he would have been said to be dead long ago.

He can understand that his parents are anxious about his marriage.

It's just that after all, this is the person you want to live with for the rest of your life, how can you pick just one?
The weather has been sweltering these past few days, and there are more mosquitoes.

A mosquito bit him on his leg, and he slapped him to death with an irritable slap.

He raised his hand and found a hand full of mosquito blood.

Love to the depths is the price of blood.

But what kind of person does he like?He felt that it was even more difficult to figure out than how to kill Yu Jizi.

In the stuffy weather, Yue Rujing tore off the collar of her clothes to let in the wind, and seeing her bare chest, suddenly felt a strange feeling.

His head full of brains suddenly turned into a head full of paste, and he caressed his hand towards his heart in a strange way.

In my memory, many years ago, there was a warm and soft touch here.

With his touch, a woman's bright smiling face, doubtful and angry face, and a mocking look gradually emerged in his mind. Gradually, he saw the woman's appearance clearly. appearance.

He was stunned immediately, and patted himself on the face twice like a fool.

That face was actually Gu Youyou's.

That nasty woman.

Only a blind person like senior brother would fall in love with a woman like her.

He laughed at himself and rubbed his temples.

How could you think of her?This is too funny, she must be angry and hate him, Yue Rujing thinks so.

He didn't go out to eat at night, and he fell asleep since the middle of the afternoon. Jin Zijin took a look in his room and saw that he was sleeping soundly, so he didn't wake him up.

At night, in the deepest part of the night, Yue Rujing had a dream.

The light boat is as weak as a leaf on the rippling Moon Bay, a full moon hangs high, and the snow-white skin of the woman under her is better than the bright moon in the world.

He kissed her face, neck, and every part of her body over and over again.

She moaned softly, even if she had been hurt, her voice was more beautiful than the insects singing on the shore of Moon Bay.

Yue Rujing saw herself sinking in her perfect body, swaying the light boat, creating circles of ripples.

In the dream, she is so tender and tender, and the self in the dream is suppressing excitement, that feeling is taboo and beautiful.

The late night wind blows in from the window, bringing a little coolness, and Yue Rujing is awakened by the cool wind in her sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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