Chapter 1365 Can't beat it

Duan Gongzi thought: I must beat this little boy to the ground in front of everyone, how dare you look down on their little sister?
The martial arts training ground opened up, and two rows of weapons stood beside him. Mr. Duan took a spear and weighed it in his hand, returned to his position satisfied, and smiled at the moon like a mirror: "Young Master Yue, Please choose a suitable weapon for a sword."

Yue Rujing smiled lightly and said, "No, I bring my own weapons."

After saying that, he drew a soft sword from his waist.

Anyone who can carry a weapon with him is not too bad. Seeing him skillfully drawing out a soft sword, Mr. Duan's disdain for him is less.

Duan Xiaomei was pulled out of her stilted building.

"What's going on? Tell me first."

The maid said: "I heard that the son of Yue from the Zhuzhao Kingdom has come."

"Oh, what does it have to do with me?" Miss Duan raised her eyebrows.

The maid hurriedly said, "Yes, it's related. He proposed marriage to the general and said he wanted to marry you, Miss."

"Ah...?" Duan Xiaomei staggered and said, "Are you right? He didn't like me at all. Fortunately, I didn't like him either. How did I hear that he liked the Princess? These days Going to visit Moon Lake with the princess every day."

"Oh, it's impossible." The maid was in a hurry, and said: "Now Shizi Yue is fighting with the fifth son. It is said that the general has not agreed to let him compete in the martial arts field. If he can defeat Duan's army I agree to you marrying him."

"Really?" Duan Xiaomei asked dubiously.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, go to the training ground and have a look. They are fighting right now."

Duan Xiaomei thought it was absurd, but she was curious, so she went to see it with the maid.

In the martial arts arena, his fourth brother was performing a pose with Yue Rujing, while the fifth brother mentioned by the maid was already in the audience, his arm seemed to be injured, and he was gritting his teeth and bandaging it.

Duan Xiaomei glanced at it, and hurriedly ran to Duan Wugongzi.

"Fifth Brother, why are you injured?"

Fifth Young Master Duan no longer looked at the moon like a mirror with the contempt just now, but his eyes flickered, looking at it with a kind of appreciation.

He said: "This kid is not an embroidered pillow, he's not bad, he's got a few tricks."

"He was injured?" Duan Xiaomei pointed to Duan Wugong's wound.

"Yeah, one was accidentally injured by him."

"Then how many hits do you have? Since you can hurt Fifth Brother, it must be very powerful." Duan Xiaomei said lightly.

"You girl." Young Master Duan snorted coldly: "Didn't you say that he can't even beat you? Why are you slandering your fifth brother now, but helping an outsider?"

Duan Xiaomei stuck out her tongue, and said: "I mean, he has never fought with me before, and I have never fought with him. He doesn't look very powerful after all."

Fifth Young Master Duan's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "Yeah, it doesn't look very good, like a motherfucker. But it doesn't mean that Fifth Brother's kung fu is not as good as him, it's mainly because of his soft sword... Fifth Brother on the battlefield After so many years, I have never fought with a soft sword, this thing is really difficult to fight, I think I only have a weapon at a loss."

"Stop coming." Duan Xiaomei laughed at him unceremoniously: "Father said that only those who have no skills will always find excuses."

"Look, is your elbow turned outward?" Fifth Young Master Duan shook his head in disappointment.

On the stage, Fourth Young Master Duan chose a broadsword as the weapon, because the fifth younger brother who used a spear himself suffered a disadvantage in the previous game, and was crawled by the soft sword.

(End of this chapter)

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