Chapter 1366 Fame and Prestige
So he thought about whether it would be better to use a big knife, and if he found the right opportunity, he might be able to cut off the soft sword for him. .

But he didn't want to, the big knife was still useless, and the soft sword didn't know what material it was made of. It looked soft, but it was impossible to be cut by the big knife.

In the end, when someone got close to him, he crawled around his waist and cut the waistband of his trousers.

Fourth Young Master Duan was furious and angry, and left the field with his trousers in one hand and a big knife in the other.

There was a roar of laughter in the martial arts arena, and he was so angry that his face turned blue.

General Duan laughed loudly, walked onto the stage and said: "This is the eldest son of Zhuzhao Guoyue's family. He used to be our enemy, but now the two countries have good relations, so he came to our barracks today to ask everyone to learn martial arts. Who of you wants to ask for help?" Anyone he asks for advice can come to the stage."

Yue Rujing won two games in a row, and her mood improved a lot.

He stood on the martial arts arena holding a soft sword and watched the people below who were eager to try.

"I am in a good mood today, so I will compensate you for practicing a few tricks."

As soon as he snarled, his true colors were revealed.

Duan Xiaomei snorted coldly, took the whip from the maid and went to the martial arts arena.

Standing opposite Yue Rujing, she sneered at his arrogance.

"Let me try it and see if your soft sword is stronger than my whip."

Her whip is made of hard crocodile skin, and if you don't believe it, you can't do nothing but a soft sword that crawls along the pole.

She felt that the brothers lost the first two games, it must be because of the soft sword.

Yue Rujing frowned, he didn't want to fight with a woman, he looked down on these women, just like Duan Xiaomei also looked down on him.

He said lightly: "I think it's better to find someone else, a woman, who is still suitable for going home to be a husband and a child."

Women in Nanzhao Kingdom have never been able to stay at home and take care of their husbands and children. To do so, especially for women like Duan Xiaomei who grew up in the military camp, is simply an insult.

She smiled coldly and said, "I heard that Yue Shizi's two younger sisters are both going to fight in the battlefield. It can be seen that your parents are very enlightened and did not look down on women. Why are you born so pedantic?"

"I'm pedantic?" Yue Rujing twitched the corners of her mouth, and said with a sneer, "Okay, you want to fight, right? It seems that if you don't fight with you today, you won't give up. But I have to remind you, I don't understand What pity and pity, if you accidentally hurt you, don't blame my little hands for being too cruel."

Duan Xiaomei gritted her teeth and flicked the long whip, saying: "Then what are you talking about? Come on..."

I didn't expect the women in Nanzhao to be so hot, and they came as soon as they said they would.

Before the words were finished, the long whip was already roaring towards Yue Rujing's handsome face.

Yue Rujing turned sideways and easily dodged.

He contemptuously raised the corners of his lips at Xiaomei Duan, just like her father and brother had laughed at him just now.

And in the next second, the soft sword in his hand had been twisted into a spiral and went around her long whip.

Everyone could see that what Yue Rujing did was to use the method just now to wring off Miss Duan's long whip.

Duan Xiaomei is very confident in her long whip, so she doesn't believe that this soft sword can really break the long whip. People who have seen Duan's young sister with a strong whip in the audience also don't believe it.

But the real situation was worse than they imagined. The long whip was not only broken, but also shattered.

Twisted by Yue Rujing's soft sword, the extremely strong long whip that was said to be made of crocodile skin was actually twisted into pieces.

Duan Xiaomei was extremely shocked, the whip was gone, but the fierce offensive of the sword did not stop.

(End of this chapter)

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