Chapter 1367 Group Picking
She was forced to retreat again and again, but under shock, she forgot that she had retreated to the edge of the martial arts arena.

Amid everyone's exclamation, Duan Xiaomei was about to fall off the stage.

The person on the stage sent the soft sword forward, wrapped it around her waist, and gently pulled her back to the stage.

Everyone made a false alarm and looked at the two on the stage.

Duan Xiaomei let out a long breath, but she had to bow her head and admit defeat.

"You win," she said.

Yue Rujing nodded slightly, and retreated to the middle of the martial arts arena.

"Who else is coming?" He said to the audience.

This time the Duan family was slapped badly in the face, two young masters and one young lady all went up and lost.

As for the others, they naturally wanted to show face to Duan's parents in this situation, after all, they were the Duan family's army.

"I come……"

"I am coming too."

"I'm here to ask Prince Yue for advice!"

This kind of voice came and went, and soon drowned out the stage and the audience.

General Duan didn't seem to be angry because his son and daughter lost, he still had a bold look, and laughed loudly: "Okay, my Duan family's army is all good men!"

When Yue Rujing saw so many people, she also became embarrassed.

When can this one hit?Even if I introduce myself one by one, it will take several days to finish, right?

Really, all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals came out with long faces, Yue Rujing said helplessly: "Then let's come together!"

Be quicker.

It's just that when he said these words, the people in the audience were frightened.

What?come together?So many people come together?

Does he want to single out the Duan family's barracks alone?
General Duan also changed his face, squinting his eyes to look at Yue Rujing.

"Yue Shizi, don't make too much of a joke. It's probably fine for you to pick ten out of ten, but you need so many people to go up together... I think it's... let's do it, fifty people first, and there are too many people. I can't let it go either."

Yue Rujing smiled and said: "Okay, General Duan has the final say."

There were fifty people on the other side, and Yue Rujing was the only one on his side. It seemed that his back was a bit gloomy.

The slogan was shouted, and the fifty people rushed towards the moon like a mirror, each holding a weapon.

The white-clothed Shengxue Yue was like a mirror facing the fifty people in danger, and suddenly the sword moved, and the people moved too, as if a person was moving with a sword, and it seemed that the sword moved with people.

Yue Rujing shuttled through the crowd at an unbelievably fast speed, knocking down the weapons in their hands.

Everything happened only in the blink of an eye, and they didn't even know what happened before it was over.

How can there be such a practice in the world?so amazing.

Only then did everyone know that Yue Rujing didn't show his strongest strength when he fought the Duan brothers and sisters, and even this move wasn't necessarily his strongest strength. You know, just now he clamored for group pick.

The audience was silent, and everyone on the stage was shocked.

Duan Xiaomei stared at him blankly, and asked her father beside her in a low voice.

"What move did he use?" Why is he so powerful?

General Duan looked at it for a while, but he laughed at Yue Rujing and said: "In the early years, I, Duan, heard that the Taoist school in Zhuzhao Country was mysterious and unpredictable. Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved, Son of the Moon, is this the reason why Lord Yue insisted on sending his only son to the Taoist school?"

Yue Rujing smiled lightly, but didn't answer him.

General Duan was not annoyed, and continued to smile and said: "It is said that a hero is born in a young age. I saw him today, and he really deserves his reputation. It is worth it for Duan to see the master of Taoism with his own eyes in this life. Please, my son!"

After one pick fifty, no one continued to challenge him, and he was invited into the tent by General Duan.


(End of this chapter)

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