Chapter 1371 Unexpected Neighbor
The next day, they went to the streets of Kucha to find a suitable house.

The houses here are completely different from those in the capital city. It was the first time they saw such a house structure, and they said it was to see the house, but in the end it became a strange sight.

Laughing and talking along the way, I forgot the unhappiness of last night.

"That's all. I think I'm pretty. If you look upstairs, you can directly see half of the city."

"Okay, I think this place is also good, we can display the things from the Zhuzhao Kingdom that we got on the road for sale."

"That's right, we can also buy some resells from merchants in the past."

They were happily discussing the future, and if nothing else happened, they didn't plan to leave this city for at least three years.

After finalizing the house, Lin Qianqing turned her face, but saw a familiar figure at the neighbor's gate.

The man flashed past and entered the door, and then the door was closed.

She was so surprised that she actually saw him here?
How did he come here?
The world is so big, is this a coincidence?

Seeing Lin Qianqing standing at the door in a daze, Jin Xiaoran quickly called her.

"Didn't you say you were going out to buy something? What's the matter?"

"I...let's go in the afternoon." Lin Qianqing said calmly.

She backed away from the door and closed the door.

"What's wrong?" Jin Xiaoran looked at her with a serious look.

Lin Qianqing pulled him into the house, lowered her voice and said, "I saw an acquaintance."

"Acquaintances?" It's not easy to see acquaintances here.

And for them now, meeting acquaintances is not a good thing.

Jin Xiaoran also became serious.


Lin Qianqing smiled lightly and said, "You don't have to be nervous, he is hiding from trouble just like us. He is Jin Ziyuan, the son of the former third prince. We couldn't find him anywhere, so he is here."

"It's him?" Jin Xiaoran was startled, and suddenly smiled: "Why should he hide? As long as he goes back generously, Father will not do anything to him, and will make him a queen in the name of appeasing the three kings." Lord, Jin Zijin and the others attacked Xuanzong, and by the way, made public the fact that the three kings and five kings led troops to mutiny, everyone is a victim."

Lin Qianqing narrowed her eyes, recalled the strange words Jin Ziyuan said, and said in a low voice: "It's not that simple, he's not hiding from the father, maybe it's the national teacher."

"Huh?" Jin Xiaoran asked in surprise, "What do you know?"

Lin Qianqing shook her head and said, "I don't know. Forget it. It's none of our business. They're here to escape. If you meet them, just pretend you don't know each other. It's good for everyone."

That glimpse back then was nothing more than an ignorant girl harboring a dream of freedom.

Lin Qianqing took the arm of the man beside her warmly.


Nanzhao Kingdom

Yu Jizi seemed very busy after coming back this time, as if he was too busy to pay attention to them.

That day, he brought Zhiqiu into Yunhe Mountain, and then, there was no news at all.

This made them very puzzled.

"What the hell is that old guy doing?"

"He went into that hole."

"It should be." Jin Zijin said lightly.

"Then what shall we do?" Yue Rujing asked.

Jin Zijin gave him a strange look, and said, "Maybe he has reached his end soon and has no time to spend with us anymore. He should have analyzed the secrets in that cave long ago, maybe..."

He was startled and said, "If you're curious, you might as well go and see for yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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