Chapter 1372 Some eyebrows

Yue Rujing shrank her neck, and shook her head thinking of those creepy things.

"I won't go, of course, if senior brother goes, I will be happy to accompany you no matter how I want to."

But Jin Zijin said: "Although I don't know what it is, I guess it must be related to those Gu worms. Ignore him for now, and figure out what's going on with those worms first. Yes, I will go to the Black Box Valley tomorrow, Ah Jing, if you are willing to go with me, you can follow me. If you don’t want to, you can go to General Duan. Since the old emperor has promised Nanzhao Kingdom, you always You can't lose face."

Yue Rujing said angrily: "That's your father's face, what's none of my business?"

"Because this is what your father meant. If you can't choose well, after you go back, he will help you marry Ruhua from Lingnan Street."

"Who is Ruhua?" Yue Rujing raised her eyebrows and asked.

Gu Youyou laughed loudly, and said, "Oh, do you still have a conscience? That Ruhua girl has been secretly in love with you for many years, yet you actually forgot about her..."

"You... Gu Youyou, don't go too far..." Yue Rujing's face turned blue and white, and she was so angry.

They actually teamed up to bully him.

But when he heard that a certain girl had been secretly in love with him for many years, he suddenly remembered something he shouldn't have thought about.

Except falling in love, that kind of love is not good.

"Really...Really?" He suddenly felt that the girls who had a crush on him were also quite pitiful.

But he didn't want to, Gu Youyou laughed even harder, and Jin Zijin on the other side couldn't help laughing, he patted Yue Rujing's shoulder and said: "A Jing, you should go with me."

Yue Rujing looked dazed, and after a while, her face drooped like an eggplant beaten by frost.

This made Gu Youyou embarrassed to laugh at him, but luckily Circe came in in time to resolve the embarrassment.

She threw a jar on the table and said, "Just a few more for this bug. These are all used up, not enough."

Gu Youyou looked down and saw that the inside was full of dead bugs.

For dealing with these Gu insects, Gu Youyou is not as good as Circe.

Without the advanced research equipment in modern times, she knows far less than Cersei about some local methods.

Moreover, Circe was much better than Gu Youyou in researching poisons, so the task of researching Gu insects was given to her.

Jin Zijin took the jar, nodded lightly and said, "Okay, I can get it for you tonight, but have you found a way to deal with them?"

"There are, but they haven't been identified yet, so there are still some bugs," Searcy said.

Jin Zijin and Yue Rujing left, and Circe sighed helplessly: "Is it really useful for us to study these things?"

Gu Youyou shook her head lightly and said, "I don't know if it will be useful, but what can I do? It's better than sitting still and waiting for death."

"That's right!" Circe stood up, rubbed her tired head all night and went back to her yard.

In fact, she probably thought of a simpler and more brutal method, poisoning him with various poisons to kill the old man.However, his own ability is low, so he can only discuss big plans with Gu Youyou and the others.

Seeing her exhausted appearance, Gu Youyou stopped her and called her: "Cersi, just do your best, don't be old and do nothing, just exhaust yourself to death first."

Circe paused, turned around and snorted coldly, and said, "Do you think I'm sick? Hmph, don't worry, I won't die."

She is the only descendant of ghost doctor left, Yu Jizi is not dead, how can she die?


(End of this chapter)

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