Chapter 1373 Fame
Gu Youyou's reputation grew little by little, the great witch doctor did not come forward to reject the doctors of the Zhuzhao Kingdom, and because it was the time when the two countries had a good relationship, the Emperor Nanzhao also formally thanked Gu Youyou, so the ordinary people were very fond of Gu Youyou's medical skills. , Gradually show recognition.

Although they are sick, they still go to the witch doctor habitually, but for some diseases that the witch doctor can't do anything about, they will still come to Gu Youyou to try.

She cured several diseases that the witch doctor couldn't cure. Many people didn't say it on the surface, but they already admired her very much in their hearts.

One day, she was treating patients, but she heard the heart-piercing voice of a child from a distance.

After a while, a 30-year-old middle-aged man ran in with a six- or seven-year-old boy in his arms, with an anxious expression on his face.

"Doctor, Doctor Gu, my child's hand is broken, please save her quickly."

Gu Youyou took a closer look, and saw that the child's hands were wrapped in a white cloth, and blood was constantly oozing out. The child was crying out of breath, as if he was going to faint from crying in the next second.

The child's father was sweating profusely in anxiety, and at the same time burst into tears.

Following them, a woman ran in one after the other, holding a bloody thing in her hand, which was the child's severed hand.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, and the timid ones screamed in fright.

Gu Youyou hurriedly comforted the couple, saying: "Don't be nervous, calm down the child's emotions, and press your hand here to stop the bleeding."

Although the father was trembling with fright, he still nodded and followed Gu Youyou's words.

Gu Youyou said again: "I'll look at the child's hand, if it can be reconnected, I'll tie it on him. If it can't be reconnected, I can only heal the wound as soon as possible."

Everyone was surprised.

continue?It's all broken, can I still connect it?How to pick it up?Can't you sew it up with a needle?
The child's parents were very grateful when they heard Gu Youyou's words, and hurriedly raised the child's hand.

Gu Youyou said: "I don't want to look at this, let me look at the broken limbs."

The child's mother hurriedly showed Gu Youyou the severed limb.

Gu Youyou took a look, the incision was neat, and it was cut in two with a single cut. This kind of cut can be continued.

I just don't know what happened to this kid, how did this arm break like this?
Gu Youyou didn't think too much, and someone called Circe, and she took the family of three to the operating room that had been set up long ago, and quickly took out the surgical equipment.

Fortunately, no matter how busy I am, I will order people to disinfect these things.

Trauma requiring surgery is very urgent, and when it is time to use it, there is no time to tidy up these things for them.

"Put the child up."

Gu Youyou was ready and told the child's father.

But the child cried and clung to his father with the other hand, unwilling to let go no matter what.

Gu Youyou had no choice but to ask Circe to give him anesthesia first.

After one injection, the child became silent.

The couple were stunned, and the woman yelled: "What happened to the child? What happened to my child? Why didn't he move? It was you, you stabbed him to death, right?"

Their child only had a broken hand, and he could live without a hand, but was put to death by Gu Youyou.

The woman couldn't take it anymore, so she waved the child's severed hand and called Gu Youyou.

Circe snatched the severed hand away, kicked the woman away again, and said, "What are you doing? This is your son's hand. Do you want to take it back?"

 After writing this paragraph, let's start doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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