Chapter 1396 Dungeon
General Duan sneered and said to his third son in a low voice: "Your Majesty suddenly turned his back on him. The situation is not quite right. Please go back on a fast horse and ask your eldest brother to pay more attention to His Majesty's movements."

Third Young Master Duan was startled, recalling this scene, he really felt suspicious.

That's why Dad doesn't want people to chase after him, right?
He thought to himself: Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

Yue Rujing saw the figure under the brightest firelight from a distance, and shouted loudly: "Father, father, it's a good thing you're here, otherwise you would have lost all children and grandchildren."

Yue Tingfang: "..."

Yue Tingfang called a few people to help Yue Rujing over, and he persisted to the limit, and suddenly collapsed on the ground.

"A Jing, where are your master and brother?"

"Father, Master and the others are behind." Yue Rujing softly raised a hand on the ground and said.

Yue Tingfang took a look at him, and quickly took a few people to pick up Jin Zijin and Tianjizi.

Seeing the person coming from ahead, Tianjizi asked Jin Zijin to put himself down and said, "I can't let others know about my current situation, let's go."

"Master, I might be able to hold on." Jin Zijin said worriedly.

"Okay, my old bone, even if I die now, it will be much stronger than ordinary people, but it was a bit exhausted to restrain Yujizi before."

Yue Tingfang led people to see Jin Zijin and Tianjizi, Tianjizi hurriedly said: "Quick, help Zijin back, he is injured."

Yue Tingfang was slightly startled, and hurriedly asked his subordinates to help him back to the valley.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Jin Zijin and Tianjizi entered the same tent together, Tianjizi said to Yue Tingfang: "Take a break for an hour, let's go after dawn, both Zijin and Ah Jing were injured, Don't bother people."

Yue Tingfang hurriedly asked people to set up defenses, leaving time for them to rest and recuperate.

In Taihe City, Gu Youyou and the others had already spent a day and a night in the dungeon.

The most unbearable thing in the dungeon is not the various smells, not the occasional rats, but the mosquitoes.

Those mosquitoes are much bigger than the mosquitoes in Zhuzhao Country. If you are sucked by them, you will immediately get a big bump on your body, and there are a lot of them.

The four of them had to take turns sleeping, leaving one person to fight mosquitoes.

Fortunately, the four of them were locked together, otherwise no one would be able to sleep.

"I knew I would have brought the deworming medicine with me, alas!" Circe sighed.

Compared with his ignorance when he first came here, Jin Liuying looks like he is about to collapse now.

She wept softly: "Why did this happen? The prince didn't come to save me, I really want to go home..."

She was just a 15-year-old girl, and she was still the kind that was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. Before that, she probably never thought that she would spend a night in such a place one day.

It was already her limit to last until dawn.

Gu Youyou looked at a small ventilated window above the dungeon, then lightly patted her on the shoulder and comforted her: "Don't worry, your prince will not ignore you, he must be trying to save you now, you must You have to hold on, don't cry, don't make people laugh, you are the princess of Zhuzhao Kingdom."

"I..." Jin Liuying nodded slightly, buried her head in her knees, and said, "Okay, I won't cry."

After a while, she tilted her head again and said, "Master, will elder brother come too?"

"He..." Gu Youyou didn't know if they were safe now, if they were safe, she still hoped that he would not come.

(End of this chapter)

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