It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1397 Here comes the food delivery

Chapter 1397 Here comes the food delivery

Circe took the words, snorted and said, "If they come, they will probably be locked in to feed the mosquitoes just like us."

Gu Youyou: "..." Circe's broken mouth is the most annoying.

"Ah, big brother will be arrested too?" Jin Liuying said in surprise.

"Of course, your elder brother is their ultimate goal." Circe said.

"Then what will happen if they catch Big Brother?"

"Your elder brother is worth much more than us. The Nanzhao emperor is so poor. If it were me, I would trade him for the city."

"Ah, then the eldest brother should not come, the farther the better..."

"This is the Nanzhao Kingdom, so you have to run away. Don't forget, there is also Yu Jizi. That guy can run faster than a horse."

Gu Youyou couldn't listen anymore, and said angrily: "Okay, you still have more to do, so hurry up and beat the mosquitoes, your driver has been beating mosquitoes all night."

Gu Yunxi laughed and said: "It's okay, you guys talk, I'm not tired."

Gu Youyou said lightly: "I'm afraid that if there is a chance to run away, you will lose energy."

"Hmph, come here and rest." After hearing what Gu Youyou said, Circe stood up and replaced Gu Yunxi.

After dawn, a maid entered the dungeon carrying a basket. Gu Youyou heard her talking to the guards, and knew that it was the maid beside the Queen Mother.

"Princess Fifteen, are you there?" The maid shouted loudly as she stood at the entrance of the dungeon with a basket in her hand.

Jin Liuying was extremely surprised, and said to Gu Youyou: "Master, did the prince call you?"

Gu Youyou said to her in a low voice: "No, it's from the Queen Mother, you should go down and see what she wants to do."


"Here I am, the innermost part."

After hearing Jin Liuying's words, the maid carried the basket to the innermost dungeon.

The environment of the dungeon can be imagined. It was the first time in this maid's life that she came to this kind of place, and she was holding her nose and almost vomited.

She put a basket next to the prison cell and said: "Princess Fifteen, this is the breakfast ordered by the Empress Dowager. You take your time to eat, and the slaves will leave first."

Without waiting for Jin Liuying to respond, she left holding her nose and leaving the basket.

"Who is this, really!" Circe cursed, but approached the basket.

Inside are several stacks of pastries, some rice porridge, and side dishes.

There are not many things, but they are exquisitely done.

These things can't be eaten by one person, and it's obviously not enough for four people.

Circe brought out all the food and put it in front of everyone, and all four of them looked a little embarrassed.

Jin Liuying said: "Let's eat together. There is no food in the cell. It's better for us to eat less than nothing."

"This is for you!" Circe blushed rarely.

Gu Youyou took out a clean silver needle, inserted it into these breakfasts, and only after confirming that it was not poisonous did he dare to rest assured.

She said: "Let's eat together. If you have the opportunity to go out, you can't run away hungry."

"Well, okay, let's eat together."

Gu Youyou's words of running together rekindled everyone's hope.

Among the few of them, Jin Liuying is undoubtedly different from them, as can be seen from this breakfast.

After breakfast, Gu Youyou whispered to Jin Liuying: "Liuying, you promise Master one thing."

"Huh? What?" Jin Liuying wiped her mouth with her sleeve, and kept rubbing her sleeve in disgust.

Gu Youyou said: "If you have the opportunity to go out, don't worry about us, you go out first and then talk."

(End of this chapter)

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