It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1399 The person who was sent to exchange

Chapter 1399 The person who was sent to exchange
"Ah? What about you?" She didn't expect her to go out in such a way, and she suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

Even if she wants to sneak away, then Gu Youyou and the others can imagine how difficult it is for them to leave.

"Leave us alone, take care of yourself first, remember what I said, don't worry about anything, go out first and talk later, everything depends on your prince, he will not harm you."

If I want to harm you, I won't bother to save you.

Gu Yunxi consciously stood in the corner, and Gu Youyou helped Jin Liuying change clothes with the maid.

The maid was about the same shape as Jin Liuying, with thick bangs, and the maid walked with her eyebrows lowered and pleasing to the eye. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell it was a fake.

Jin Liuying changed into the maid's clothes, and went out with the empty basket. Standing outside the locked cell, she kept looking at Gu Youyou reluctantly.

Gu Youyou smiled at her, and said: "We'll be fine, let's go, be natural, don't be seen by others."

"Well, I'm leaving, Master, take care."

Gu Youyou was relieved when she heard that Jin Liuying had left the dungeon, and that she and the fifteenth prince had left.

She fell to the ground, looked sideways at the maid who had replaced Jin Liuying and asked, "What is your name?"

The servant girl lowered her head and whispered, "My name is Xiaomei, and I have been a servant in the palace since I was six years old."

Gu Youyou looked at the lock and said, "You are good at unlocking."

Xiaomei said in a low voice, "It's a handicraft at home, and my parents are also servants of the palace."

Gu Youyou was stunned, and said, "Then are you afraid? It's a death penalty for the princess to be released from prison, are you afraid?"

Xiaomei kept her head down, stunned for a moment, then shook her head slightly and said: "Don't be afraid, the prince gave Xiaomei's parents a lot of money and paid back their deeds of sale. They will no longer be servants in the future, and they can take their younger brother to live an ordinary life." human life."


Gu Youyou didn't ask any more questions.

"Thank you for saving Liuying." She whispered after a while.


This was the second day after Gu Youyou and the others were imprisoned, and the people had gathered in the palace to ask Emperor Nanzhao an explanation.

The particularity of the Nanzhao Kingdom, the Emperor of Nanzhao couldn't ignore the doubts of the people, he could only come out and explain to everyone.

Holding a carrier pigeon, he said to the people in the audience: "Do you know what this is?"



"do not know?"

The Emperor of Nanzhao said loudly to the people, "This is a carrier pigeon. Its function is to deliver letters to people. It is a bird raised by the people of Zhuzhao country to deliver letters. We accidentally intercepted a pigeon two days ago. Such a bird has discovered a big secret."

The crowd was astonished and thought: Could it be because of this pigeon that His Majesty the Emperor Hui suddenly ordered Doctor Gu to be arrested?

The Emperor Nanzhao continued loudly: "The secret we found in the carrier pigeon's letter box is that the Zhuzhao people never intended to be friendly with our two countries, and sending the princess to get married is a way to confuse us.

During their stay in Nanzhao, their eldest prince visited different villages, apparently doing cultural exchanges, but in fact he deceived our Gu doctors and obtained the secret recipe for raising Gu insects from them.

There is also the princess they sent for marriage. Since she came, she has been painting non-stop. What she drew is the map of our Nanzhao Kingdom. The purpose is that he will invade our Nanzhao Kingdom, so that we can be wiped out. . "

(End of this chapter)

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