It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1400 The doctor became a life saver

Chapter 1400 The doctor became a life saver

Hearing these words, everyone was terrified.

Someone said: "If the topographic map of our Nanzhao Kingdom is really drawn by them, it will be really bad. Our Nanzhao Kingdom has survived for thousands of years because no one can invade our mountains."

"Yes, the emperor of Zhuzhao Kingdom has ulterior motives and cannot let them go."

Another person said: "Then what about Doctor Gu? She saved the queen mother and many people, what is she doing for?"

The Nanzhao Emperor said with a sad expression on his face: "Doctor Gu saved the Queen Mother, I have always been very grateful to her, I hope she is innocent and has nothing to do with those people with ulterior motives, should also know , she is the eldest concubine of Zhuzhao country, no matter what she has done, can you trust the eldest concubine of Zhuzhao country?"

There are two voices in the audience.

"I can't believe it, she did that to win people's hearts."

"No, we believe that Dr. Gu was sent by the witch lady to help us. She cured many diseases that witch doctors could not cure. She saved my son's life. Your Majesty, please don't make things difficult for Dr. Gu." An old woman knelt down.

A stern look flashed in the Emperor Nanzhao's eyes, and he hurriedly got down from the stage, helped the old woman up, and said, "Old man, she also saved the Queen Mother's life, so I won't embarrass her. But I can't let her go. Her accomplices I didn’t catch her, so I can only lock her up, so that she won’t be rescued by my accomplices.”

The old man stared tremblingly at Emperor Nanzhao and said, "Then Your Majesty won't make things difficult for Doctor Gu?"

"As long as she doesn't harm us, I will naturally not embarrass her."

"Okay, I know that His Majesty is a sensible person and a person who knows how to repay kindness. I, an old woman, don't know anything about wars. I just hope that if there is a real fight, Your Majesty will not implicate Dr. Gu."

"Okay, old man, you go back first. I will definitely give everyone a satisfactory result for Dr. Gu's matter. It's just that it is indeed a stopgap measure to lock up Dr. Gu now."

At this time, the fifteenth prince had already rescued Jin Liuying.

He used his most trusted person to quickly send Jin Liuying, who was carefully dressed, to Zhuzhao Country.

"My lord, I don't want to leave. Don't drive me away..." She cried and refused to leave. The fifteenth lord personally sent her out of Taihe City, and ran all the way in the direction of Zhuzhao Kingdom.

"Be obedient, go back first, and I will definitely pick you up."

"What the hell happened?"

The Fifteenth Prince shook his head and said, "It's an internal matter of our Nanzhao Kingdom, and it has nothing to do with you. But if you don't leave, you will definitely become a victim. You go back first, and I will pick you up when things stabilize."

"Then my master and them?"

"They're fine, they're doctors."

Once upon a time, the identity of a doctor became a life-saving talisman in Nanzhao Kingdom, which was all related to their hard work during this period.


Jin Zijin and Yue Rujing took Tianjizi to Lingnan, Jin Liuying was sent away overnight, and the Emperor Nanzhao was still waiting for Yujizi's next order.

In the past few days, Yu Jizi has completely ignored the Nanzhao Kingdom that is about to turn the sky upside down. He is preparing things, so the blueprints of the Gu insect formation that can be used to change his life are all loaded into the car.

After he carefully prepared everything, he came to the dungeon of Nanzhao Kingdom.

"Big, great witch doctor?" The guard looked at him incredulously, "The great witch doctor came to the dungeon... ah..."

(End of this chapter)

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