It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1403 The Emperor Nanzhao is in trouble

Chapter 1403 The Emperor Nanzhao is in trouble
The three of them were silent for a while, and after a while, the Fifteenth Prince suddenly said: "Brother Huang, is it possible that the other party didn't save them at all, but arrested them?"

"Caught them?" Emperor Nanzhao was startled, thoughtful.

"Report, Your Majesty, Chen Guanshi from the posthouse, please see me!"

At this moment, the eunuch's elongated voice sounded outside the palace.

The three people in the room looked around, the Empress Dowager nodded slightly to Emperor Nanzhao, and Emperor Nanzhao said: "Call in!"

After a while, the steward of the posthouse came in, and he said to Emperor Nanzhao: "Someone came here last night and dug up the crabapple tree in the backyard, and it seemed that they took something away. There was also a few days ago when Dr. Gu packed Everything that was ready to be taken away was also taken away, and their carriage."

Everything became confusing again.

Everything was taken away. It didn't look like he was taken away by someone, but he really escaped by himself.

The Emperor of Nanzhao dismissed Chen Guanshi from the posthouse, and the Empress Dowager suddenly said in a low voice: "It seems that they probably ran away. But they are the people that the great witch doctor wants, and now they have run away, how will the great witch doctor explain? "

The Fifteenth Prince said: "There will be news from the border soon. They have been detained. There must be an explanation from the Zhuzhao Kingdom. Brother Huang, now..."

The Emperor Nanzhao slumped on the chair, his mouth was open for a while, unable to speak.

Now that things have happened, his dream of immortality is probably awakened.

A decision of his own put himself, Nanzhao, into a situation beyond redemption.

"Find... find the great witch doctor..."


The carriage headed west all the way, looking at the afterglow of the setting sun in the distance, Gu Youyou couldn't help being dazed.

"It's another day!"

Hurrying day after day, it was obviously a very hard job, but she suddenly felt that time passed quickly.

"Yeah!" Circe sat beside her, looked at the infinite sunset with her hands on her head and sighed in a low voice: "Is this the fifth day? Where is the old bastard going to take us this time?"

"Xiangxi..." Gu Youyou muttered in a low voice, "Are you going to Xining?"

"What are you doing in Xining?"

Gu Youyou's gaze sank, and she whispered to herself, "Did you find Jin Ziyuan?"

She still remembered that when Jin Ziyuan rescued Lin Qianqing, he sent her to Xining, maybe he was also in Xining.

Because the Fifth Prince had been entrenched in Xining for many years, although he was defeated later, Xining was undoubtedly the most familiar place for them.

Moreover, Xining is sparsely populated and suitable for hiding.

It's best not to be found by the old pervert, otherwise, it will be really troublesome.

Ahead, the carriage stopped.Zhiqiu's voice came from outside the carriage.

"Master, the coachman and maid are here."

Gu Youyou and Circe's expressions darkened suddenly.

Circe clenched her fists and said angrily, "This idiot, did you come here to die?"

Gu Youyou said helplessly: "Forget it, who is different."

Gu Youyou got into Yu Jizi's carriage, Circe would try her best to follow.

I thought that a coachman, a little maid, and two unremarkable people ran away, but they still followed.

A moment later, Yu Jizi's voice was heard.

"Come on, just come, ignore them, and continue on your way."

Yu Jizi made such a good move, he secretly took Gu Youyou and the others away, causing Nanzhao Emperor to take the blame, no one knew that they had already left Nanzhao Kingdom, and now they were heading west.


(End of this chapter)

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