Chapter 1404
Yue Tingfang sent someone to ask for someone from Nanzhao, but was told that Gu Youyou and others were no longer in Nanzhao.

They had already run away.

In this regard, Yue Rujing does not believe it anyway.

"Run away? If Gu Youyou had the ability to run away by herself, a sow must be able to climb a tree. The dog emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom must have handed her over to Yu Jizi, and she will turn her face and deny anyone."

Jin Liuying was very anxious, and hurriedly said: "Yes, there are many guards in that dungeon, how can they escape? And they ran directly out of Nanzhao territory from Taihe City, this is impossible, brother, Master will Will there be any accidents?"

Yue Rujing patted the table and cursed angrily: "Everyone has said that, what are we still worried about? Dad, just order soldiers, and I will take people to arrest the Emperor Nanzhao and torture him slowly."

After finishing speaking, he went directly to Fanyue Tingfang's troop dispatching tiger talisman.

Seeing that Jin Zijin didn't speak, Yue Tingfang pushed Yue Rujing back, and said, "What's the rush? I haven't figured out what's going on, what's the matter?"

"Oh, can this matter be clarified? It is obvious that the Emperor Nanzhao wanted to make peace with him, and everything will be wiped out by saying that he doesn't know where to go."

Yue Tingfang thought that what Yue Rujing said made some sense. They arrested someone for no reason without a reasonable explanation, and now they send someone to negotiate, and they directly say that the person is not in their hands?

Yue Rujing said furiously: "Hmph, he said that if he is not in their hands, he is not in their hands. I don't care. If they don't let him go, I will beat him until they let him go. Father, take out the tiger charm."

Yue Tingfang looked at Jin Zijin in embarrassment, but he hadn't spoken yet.

Jin Zijin nodded slightly at him, Yue Rujing smiled happily, and found Yue Tingfang's tiger talisman within a few clicks, and went out with a smile on his face.

Jin Zijin said to Jin Liuying, "Go and rest too."

"Brother, what about Master and the others?"

"Go, I know what to do."

Jin Liuying nodded slightly before leaving the study.

Only Yue Tingfang and Jin Zijin were left in the study, Yue Tingfang asked, "Has Ah Yan already guessed something?"

"Perhaps." Jin Zijin said in a low voice, "It's good to let Ah Jing take the Tiger Talisman to play two games. The Nanzhao Emperor is too shameful this time, and he should be taught some lessons."

Yue Tingfang was startled, but did not speak.

Jin Zijin took out a piece of lambskin, and said in a low voice, "This is a letter I received. The Fifteenth Prince sent someone to send it quickly."

"The fifteenth prince of Nanzhao Kingdom?" Yue Tingfang took the letter.

Jin Zijin nodded and said: "There are two letters in total. The first letter said that something was wrong with the Emperor of Nanzhao. Specifically, it started when he secretly met with Yu Jizi. On that day, it happened that the Emperor of Nanzhao ordered the arrest of our heads. one day."

Yue Tingfang was shocked, and said: "In this way, it is related to Yujizi that the emperor of Nanzhao will suddenly turn his face? What benefit did Yujizi give him? Let him risk the world's disgrace and betray the people of Nanzhao. regardless of?"

"What else can there be?" Jin Zijin said with a wry smile: "For an emperor, the biggest temptation is nothing more than prolonging life, or even immortality. Being able to seduce the Emperor of Nanzhao is probably related to these things."

"Do you believe that too?" Yue Tingfang sneered.

"Believe it, the essence of Taoist exercises is to prolong life, and Yu Jizi believes in the theory of immortality. It is not difficult to convince a person who has a strong desire for longevity."

(End of this chapter)

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