Chapter 1409 Let's go
If it wasn't for the idiot, he wouldn't be able to fool him, would he?
In this way, the group of them lived here temporarily, not far away is the most prosperous place here, the capital of the country of Kucha.

Gu Youyou really wanted to go and see, but they were captives and were not qualified to go. Even if they wanted to buy some daily necessities, they could only send Xiaomei there.

Xiaomei is a decent servant girl, she never went out to Nanzhao Kingdom all her life, and Nanzhao Kingdom and Kucha's environment are very different. Recently, the environment is not acclimatized, and the whole person stays in the house, and it is rare to see her go out once.

Taking advantage of Yu Jizi's absence, Circe discussed with Gu Youyou how to escape.

"The old man is not here, his two idiot apprentices are easy to deal with, a pack of medicine is guaranteed to die, and then we will run away."

Gu Youyou sipped the tea, and said indifferently: "It's really not easy to drink a sip of tea here."

"Hey, be serious, I'll tell you the truth."

"I'm listening." Gu Youyou put down her teacup, but said, "Cersi, people say that women are stupid after giving birth for three years. You've been married for so long, and your stomach doesn't move at all. Why do I feel like you're becoming stupid too?" It's the same, what's going on?"

"What are you doing?" Circe looked at Gu Youyou warily.

Gu Youyou's eyes wandered over Circe's body, and she suddenly asked, "Can you ride a horse?"

She shook her head and said, "I can't, but my coachman can."

Gu Youyou sneered and said, "Come on, I'll wait for my husband to come to rescue me, so I don't need to run away."

"Hey, you!"

Gu Youyou suddenly pressed her hand, and said seriously: "I'm serious, you must listen to me this time."

Circe: "..."

She smiled and said: "I know what you want to say, what I want to say is impossible."

Gu Youyou said, "No, you must listen to me this time."


With a bit of pleading, Gu Youyou looked at her deeply across the table, and said, "There are not many people I can trust, and you are one. You go back and help me take care of my son. Give Xu Yao to him My stepmother won't worry about me!"

"You're crazy, let me go." Circe wanted to pull out the hand that was held down by Gu Youyou, but she couldn't pull it out because of Gu Youyou's strength.

Gu Youyou said: "I know you have long wanted to give them a few packs of medicine to poison them to death, but you can't do that, because if they die, I have to be a servant to serve the old and immortal. In this way, the two Xuanzong disciples Just pass out the poison, and then you can run as far as you can. What he wants is me, and you are all irrelevant people, so you can definitely run away."

"how about you?"

"Me?" Gu Youyou suddenly smiled and said, "There are two Xuanzong disciples serving me, so I should continue to eat and drink."

"You... I mean what are you going to do? Are you dead?"

"Of course I want to live. If you stay here, it will only make me worry a lot. At that time, the old man threatened me with your life to do something I didn't like to do, or I couldn't do it? What should I do? You ran away , I am not afraid of him."

Circe was stunned for a while, and had to say that they had nothing to do with someone like Yu Jizi.

And Gu Youyou's rare stubborn eyes also made Circe very worried.

Will Jin Zijin come?Even if he came, could he really save her?

But as Gu Youyou said, she won't be able to help if she stays, and may even become her burden.

(End of this chapter)

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