Chapter 1410 see an acquaintance

Fortunately, she didn't go in vain after walking this way, at least she knew where she was taken and what the situation was now.

Circe thought for a long time, then nodded slightly.

She stuffed all the life-saving things to Gu Youyou, and said: "Okay, I'll bring down the gatekeeper in a while, you take these things well, and if necessary, take all these things to greet the old man."

"No, you take them all away." Gu Youyou didn't want them either, because these things are still effective against ordinary people, but forget it against Yu Jizi, it's a waste.

She said: "Take everything away, especially the things you have researched to deal with various Gu insects. If you meet Zijin and the others, give all those things to Zijin."

Circe pouted and didn't move.

"Okay, that's it, let's go, remember, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. The important thing is to survive. If I really die, I will even point at you to avenge me!"

While talking, Gu Youyou laughed.

Circe gave her a push and laughed too, and laughed to tears.

Once upon a time, her kind of heartless person who never knew how to shed tears would shed tears.

When people outside heard the strange laughter of two crazy women coming from the mountain belly, they couldn't help but come in to have a look.

They hid behind their backs and laughed beautifully. When they opened the door and entered, a plate containing medicinal powder suddenly fell from the door.

Their good skills dodged, and they were not hit by the plate.

But after the powder in the plate was inhaled into their nasal cavity, the two of them soon fainted to the ground.

Gu Youyou and Circe covered their mouths and noses, and ran out of the cave immediately.

The medicine powder quickly dissipated in the air, but the two people who were poured out of the medicine wanted to wake up, and finally it took four hours.

They quickly found Xiaomei and Gu Yunxi, packed their luggage, harnessed the two horses to a carriage, and drove them back eastward to Zhuzhao Kingdom.


In the Middle School of Qiuci, Jin Ziyuan's family and Jin Xiaoran's husband and wife, who became neighbors unintentionally, knew that they had sworn enemies before, but after going through so much, what else can't be figured out?

No matter how much prosperity and wealth, it has become a passing memory, let alone hatred.

They are all the same now, just to avoid certain people and just want to live a peaceful life.

"I saw some nice honeydew melons at the market today, I bought two and gave one to your mother to taste." Jin Xiaoran knocked on Jin Ziyuan's door and gave him a big honeydew melon.

He gladly took it and said, "I also bought a lot of grapes. I heard that your wife likes grapes very much. Wait a minute, and I'll get them for you."

It should be said that Jin Ziyuan and Jin Xiaoran knew each other before the mutiny of the Three Kings and Five Kings.

That is, they were both young and knew each other as cousins.

It's just that the memory is too far away and a little fuzzy.

Presumably, they had given each other things like this before everyone was tearing their faces apart.

I thought everyone could live peacefully like this for a long time, if they didn't see the man in black and white hair when they turned around.

Jin Ziyuan pulled Jin Xiaoran into the room violently, and closed the door with a bang.

"What's wrong?" Jin Xiaoran was extremely surprised.

Jin Ziyuan leaned against the door, his heart heaving violently, his already pale face was a little paler than ordinary people's.

Jin Xiaoran pushed his arm away, and moved to the window to look.

Outside the window is still the same as usual, there are people coming and going, businessmen in various clothes, and nothing is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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