It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1412 Take out the Nether Glowing Pearl

Chapter 1412 Take out the Nether Glowing Pearl

Mrs. Ru raised her head and put all her hopes on Jin Xiaoran.

She hurriedly said: "Okay, as long as you know where they are, even if you want to save them, you have to know where they are!"

Lin Qianqing stood up, grabbed Jin Xiaoran's arm, with a worried expression on her face.


Jin Xiaoran smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, I won't compete with him, I just walk around."

"Well, be careful."


Jin Ziyuan was taken to a hidden secret cave. There were complicated curves in the secret cave, but when he reached the innermost part, he suddenly became enlightened.It's a big cave!

Special oil lamps were lit in the cave, illuminating the cave very brightly.

Jin Ziyuan looked around, and found that the stone walls around the cave were very rough, and he knew it was formed naturally.

But the ground is paved with stone slabs that have been polished to a very smooth level, and on the slate, there are all kinds of strange patterns painted on it.

Who can imagine that there is such a place hidden in the rolling yellow sand?
He snorted coldly and said, "Don't give up? How did you fail in Tianmen Mountain? You will fail now!"

Yu Jizi turned around and said to him lightly: "Where is the candle shining on the pearl?"

"Zhaozhaozhu? Heh..." Jin Ziyuan spread his hands and said, "Do you think I will carry such an important thing with me? Knowing that you are looking for me everywhere."

Yu Jizi was stunned, but laughed loudly: "It doesn't matter if you don't, the trip to the East China Sea was not in vain, the old man got the Youying Pearl you left there."

"You..." Jin Ziyuan froze suddenly.

He thought it would be safe to bury it in the sea, but unexpectedly he found it.

Yu Jizi smiled lightly and said: "It's not easy to go anywhere, if ordinary people really can't get that bead. Fortunately, among the fishermen in the East China Sea, there are many good water quality. As long as you can afford the price, there will always be someone Risk your life to get it out."

Jin Ziyuan's cold eyes were condensed into ink, and he asked coldly: "What about now? What do you want to do? Do it?"

"No, no, there is still one person missing." Yu Jizi laughed and said, "Just wait here, the person you want to see the most will come soon."

"Yuyou?" Jin Ziyuan's expression changed, and he said sharply, "What did you do to her? Come at me if you can."

"As long as you are obedient, I will not do anything to her." After saying that, Yu Jizi laughed and left the cave.


Jin Xiaoran rode his horse and chased all the way out of Kucha for dozens of miles, from dawn to dusk, in the desert, it became more and more difficult to confirm the direction, but he lost all traces of Yujizi here.

Until a figure emerged from a hill.

His eyes widened, and he hurriedly pulled the horse behind a big rock to hide.

The man was wearing a black cloak, and under the moonlight, strands of white hair flew out from time to time.

Such an obvious sign is undoubtedly Yujizi.

Yu Jizi suddenly paused, turned his head to look behind where Jin Xiaoran was.

Jin Xiaoran quickly retracted his head and hid himself.

Holding his beating heart, he took a deep breath.

Yu Jizi who came forward only smiled inexplicably, then turned around and continued to walk forward.

When Jin Xiaoran stuck his head out from behind the rock, he found that Yu Jizi had gone a long way.

After he was completely invisible, he came out from behind the rock and strode towards the hill where Yujizi appeared.

The small hill, from a distance, looks like a hill buried in yellow sand. When you get closer, you realize that there is a hole that can accommodate one person.

(End of this chapter)

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