Chapter 1413 Who Are You?

The cave wall is a hard rock layer, which makes this seemingly small cave buried in yellow sand and will not collapse.

Jin Xiaoran stooped slightly before entering the cave.

But here comes the problem, he can't find the right way at all in this densely packed passage.

He tried to knock on the wall of the cave, and it was extremely hard. He didn't know why such a cave was formed in the low desert.


Yu Jizi returned to the house on the mountain wall where they lived before, and his two apprentices were taking turns yelling at Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou seemed to automatically block them, lying on the bench with her legs crossed, eating grapes.

The two stopped when they heard the movement, and hurriedly turned to look at Yujizi.

"Master? Master is back."

"Master, this woman drugged us and let the other three go."

"Oh, is that so?" Yu Jizi sat down opposite Gu Youyou, and picked up a bunch of grapes on the table to eat.

He said: "Since the three have been released, why don't you go with them."

Gu Youyou only sneered and said: "You are not dead, how can I leave."

Yu Jizi was startled for a moment, then burst into laughter again.

His two apprentices were not calm when they heard such words, and they cursed at Gu Youyou: "What are you talking about? Master lives a hundred years, no no, not only a hundred years, master will live well after you die... "

"Master, let us chase those three people back. We can ride horses and catch up with their carriage."

Yu Jizi waved his hand lightly and said, "Let them go..."

"But Master, they moved all our luggage away!"

Yu Jizi's face darkened immediately, and he said, "We have all moved away too?"

"Yes, Master, you have been too kind to them along the way and let them be lawless."

With a cold face, Yu Jizi put his hands on the table and twisted it hard, and he unscrewed a stone from the table.

I wipe, this is a stone table.

Gu Youyou couldn't lie down anymore, she put down her legs and sat up all of a sudden.

She asked Circe to take the luggage away, but she didn't expect that she took Yujizi's as well.

Seeing Yu Jizi's expression about to eat people, there are probably many important things in it.

"Chasing, except for the woman with medical skills, kill everyone else."

Yu Jizi suddenly distorted his face, bursting out with murderous intent.

This is the same as the Yujizi that Gu Youyou saw in the ancient tomb of Tianmen Mountain many years ago, crazy and fearless, and some, the most greedy face of human nature.

He was staring at Gu Youyou right now with that kind of look.

Gu Youyou almost died in that ancient tomb that year, her body's instinctive panic made her shrink back.

Yu Jizi's two apprentices, Zhiqiu and Yiqing, also saw Yu Jizi showing such a terrifying expression for the first time, and they didn't know how to describe it for a while.

"Let's go soon." Yu Jizi yelled again, shaking them awake.

The two of them ran out as if they were running away. In the middle of the night, they still had to buy horses.

Only Gu Youyou and Yu Jizi were left in the stone room.

Yu Jizi stared at her and smiled coldly: "It's better that your medical skills can be better, otherwise..."

"What do I want me to do?" Gu Youyou asked in a calm voice.

"Hahaha..." Yu Jizi suddenly laughed and asked, "Who are you?"

Gu Youyou's pupils shrank suddenly.

Yu Jizi asked: "You are not that little girl back then, when did you become her?"

Yu Jizi's eyes wandered over Gu Youyou's body, such eyes penetrated her, as if looking into her soul, so that this soul that did not belong to this body had nothing to shield.

(End of this chapter)

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