Chapter 1447 A Transaction

There is one more person in this world who dares to cheat him.

"Whoever told you to die without saving him will be unlucky, and everyone should be unlucky together!"

At this time, the people behind also caught up. Jin Zijin saw that something was wrong, so he gave the camel rope to Gu Youyou, flew down by himself, and soon went to Yue Rujing's side to help him take the arrows that came from him. Feathers are knocked down.

The Taoists who came earlier all saw this scene, and they fought with the barbarian tribe.

How could those barbarian tribes who were only a little more powerful than ordinary people be the opponents of the Taoists? They were soon repulsed and their weapons were knocked down.

If it weren't for the Taoist family's intention not to kill people, these dozens of barbarians would not be enough for them to kill.

"Don't move, all stop."

A savage with the most colorful faces took a sharp knife and pressed it against Duan Xiaomei's neck.

"If you move again, I'll kill her." The barbarian threatened.

"Hey, don't move, I don't want to die yet, woo woo..." Duan Xiaomei cried, if she died here, she would not be reconciled to being a ghost.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking our friends?" Yi Xi strode forward and asked.

The savages who grabbed Xiaomei Duan said: "We are all people from the surrounding small countries. We were homeless due to the war and had to gather here. We have a strict division of water sources. This piece of water belongs to our tribe. , these two people not only stole our water, but also attacked our clansmen who were on guard."

Gu Youyou, who caught up after him, breathed a sigh of relief, it's fine if he isn't an upright and unreasonable barbarian, since he's just some refugees, it's fine.

She stepped forward and said with a gentle smile to the person opposite: "We are passing by and want to add some water here. Of course, we don't take water for nothing, we can exchange it with things. What do you need?"

Seeing that Gu Youyou's attitude was not bad, everyone gradually let go of their guard.

"We want cloth, food, medicine, what do you have?"

Gu Youyou thought about it, they didn't bring much food, and more than 100 people needed to eat.

The main reason is that at the beginning, I didn't expect that so many people would come to pick up Tianjizi's ashes, and then they left in a hurry, so I didn't come in a hurry to prepare.

But cloth medicine can give them some.

Gu Youyou turned to discuss with Jin Zijin.

"We're going to Xining soon. Let's leave Circe's medicine and give them the rest. There's also cloth!"

Gu Youyou originally planned to take some cloth with the style of the Western Regions back home and try to sell it. Now that this happened, it would not be too late to let the merchants buy some in the future, so it would be fine to give it to them first.

"Well, it's up to you to decide." Jin Zijin said in a low voice.

In the end, a large amount of medical cloth was left behind, and only then did Duan Xiaomei and enough water be exchanged.

After this incident, Xiaomei Duan became a lot more honest. Seeing Gu Youyou, she always felt a little guilty.

Gu Youyou was afraid that she would have some psychological barriers, so she could only explain to her with a smile: "Even if it wasn't for you, we would have to exchange those people for enough water. Those supplies were not given to them because of you, so don't worry. "

"You... Have you always been so nice to people?" Duan Xiaomei looked at Gu Youyou timidly.

Gu Youyou shook her head with a smile, and said, "No, I'm a businessman, this is just a transaction,"

"So many good things to exchange for some water?" Duan Xiaomei was extremely surprised, and said, "If everyone does business like you, it's not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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