It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1448 Discussing important matters

Chapter 1448 Discussing important matters
Gu Youyou said with a smile: "It's just that I look at things differently than you. If you feel a loss, maybe those refugees also feel a loss."

"Are they losing money? Just a few bags of water?" Duan Xiaomei sneered.

Gu Youyou said seriously: "The water source in the desert is very precious and can save lives. And the things I give them can also save lives when necessary, and they are also very precious, so this transaction is just to get what they need, no one loses or gains How cheap it was.

You think water is worthless because there is no shortage of water in the place where you lived since childhood. In your eyes, water may be the most useless thing.But in this place, did you see a lot of animal bones in the desert we walked through before? "

"Well, yeah? How they died in the sand."

"I couldn't find a way out of the desert, and I didn't have any water to drink. I was dying of thirst."

Duan Xiaomei was stunned for a moment.

In her impression, there may be thousands of ways to die, but there is no such thing as dying of thirst.

You must know that there are many mountains and rivers in southern Xinjiang, and where there are mountains, there is water, especially the sweet mountain springs, which they can drink whenever they want.

It turns out that in the desert, water is such a precious thing.

Gu Youyou was thinking that she was too kind to this young lady on the way. In fact, the water in the team had already started to be short, but there was no shortage of her.

"Your honey is like arsenic. Whether something is precious or not is relative. You are still young and may not understand it. In the future, you will understand when you have something that cherishes your life. Let's go, Go to sleep, you have to hurry tomorrow morning."


The emperor has been taking care of her in the empress dowager's palace for more than ten days.

Every day he didn't come out, the voice of suspicion became louder every day.

On this day, the remnants of one party in the Duke's Mansion gathered together and were discussing this matter.

"I think now is the best time. The emperor must be ill, and he is very ill. Maybe this time he will not be able to leave Renshou Palace alive. It just so happens that Jin Zijin is not in the capital, so we should quickly send everyone away." Gather up and force the emperor to hand over the throne to His Royal Highness Prince Jin."

"Hmph, King Jin? That white-eyed wolf?"

"Hey, Lord Yu, no matter how white-eyed the king of Jin is, he is also the emperor's own son. No one in the world dares to say anything about his own son inheriting Lao Tzu's throne, but once the emperor dies suddenly, Jin Wang will not be the emperor. Who will do it? General Jin?"

"Hmph, of course it's General Jin!"

Someone persuaded: "Master Yu, we know what you think in your heart. Of course, we all think that King Jin is not qualified to be emperor, and General Jin is the most qualified. But the time is not ripe now. If General Jin does Emperor, that is an attempt to usurp the throne. When Jin Zijin comes back, he can put things right.

But it would be different if King Jin became the emperor. King Jin is also the emperor's direct son, and he was raised by the emperor's side since he was a child. It is also possible for the emperor to pass the throne to such a son, isn't it?Anyway, King Jin is just a puppet, and we don't have any impression of us. Everyone is just using his name to control the government, waiting for a suitable time, when the overall situation is settled, let's see what else they have to say. "

"But King Jin is sterile!"

"Oh, hello, you're so stupid. Don't you say that you found a miracle doctor to cure King Jin's illness? Give him a child, who in the world would dare to say it's fake?"

(End of this chapter)

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