Chapter 1449 Start the event

"Haha..." Jin Tianzhong, the remaining Jin family of the Duke's Mansion who came back secretly from the Beiping army, stood up and said with a big smile, "Master Cheng is right. Back then, Jin Zijin took advantage of the heavy snow to block the road. The matter of the Duke's Mansion has been dealt with, so we will return it to him in the same way, and while Jin Zijin is away, we will take care of the matter.

When the overall situation is settled, if Jin Zijin still dares to bow his head and proclaim himself a minister, then he will rebel.To tell you the truth, my elder brother asked me to come to Beijing secretly, that's why I have such a thought.Master Cheng, after the matter is completed, my eldest brother will definitely benefit from you! "

Lord Cheng repeatedly raised his hands and bowed, and said, "Thanks to General Jin for his appreciation, Cheng is terrified."

"Haha, Mr. Cheng, don't be humble, Mr. Cheng is a man of great talent!"

Jin Tianzhong put his hands on his hips, looked around the people in this secret room and said, "Compared to the beginning, there are a lot fewer staff members in the Duke's Mansion. What about the others?"

Mr. Cheng hurriedly said: "The emperor's situation is still unclear. We are all family members. We dare not joke about the lives of the whole family, and we dare not make rash moves."

"Hmph, these scumbags." Jin Tianyuan sighed, "Forget it, you are the only ones we can rely on. As for the others, you should try your best to fight for them. If you really can't get them, you will deal with them when things are done."

Everyone had smiles on their faces. As the saying goes, wealth is found in danger, and if they achieve great things in the future, their monstrous wealth will come back.

The case of the Duke's Mansion involves a lot, and the emperor didn't go into it, but because he didn't want to disturb the overall situation.But those who were close to the Duke's mansion, although they didn't move, were suppressed openly and secretly.

People like them who have been disliked by the emperor will slowly pull out their forces without realizing the situation, and then wipe them out one by one, so they have no way out except to rebel with the Beiping army.

It's just that it's useless for them to plan here. The key is to force the palace. To force the palace requires an army. Fortunately, among the several armies, the Beiping Army is the closest to the capital.

Someone said: "General Jin said when to send troops?"

Without illness, no matter how much they gather here, it will be empty talk.

Jin Tianzhong laughed loudly and said: "As for sending troops, my elder brother has already made a judgment, so you don't need to worry about it."


In order to control Xining, Xiao Jiajun transferred most of them away.

The existing [-] troops near the capital are all in the hands of the emperor, under the control of Xiao Jinfei and General Lu respectively.

Lu Youchang's single son, Lu Tianning, married a lady from the Duke's Mansion, and she was a matchmaker for Empress Jin Yushu back then.After the fall of the Duke's Mansion, because the lady of the Duke's Mansion just gave birth to a son for the Lu family, she received special care from the Lu family, and she is still alive and well.

She is also one of the two surviving daughters of the Duke's Mansion who were married to the capital.

The other is Lin Xingyi's wife, Jin Yuan.

Mr. Cheng hesitated again and again, and went into Mrs. Zheng's room, which he hadn't been to for a long time.

The maid at home was obviously very surprised, the wife was already old, and she had not slept with their adults for a long time.

But now it was getting late, it was bedtime, and it was the first time in the past few years that the adults of their family had come to Madam's yard so late.

"Ma'am, my lord is here."

Mrs. Cheng had already changed into her pajamas and was about to go to bed. She was stunned when she heard the news. She didn't change her clothes, and she didn't change them.

(End of this chapter)

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