Chapter 1465 is coming

"Ah...? I want to stay too?" Duan Xiaomei looked at Yue Rujing with a troubled expression.

Yue Rujing snorted coldly, turned her head and said, "I won't stay, senior brother can't live without me!"

What do you mean you can't live without him?

Gu Youyou really wanted to laugh at him, sometimes seeing Yue Rujing really looked like a gay guy, it scared her all over.

But no matter what, Gu Youyou is still rational.

She said: "Didn't my little sister just say to follow me? I can't walk now, so let's stay. They still have business to do when they rush back, so we will waste time."

Gu Youyou's words blocked her back, and Duan Xiaomei could only stay reluctantly.

Gu Youyou stood under the big tree and watched them leave, the horses went further and further away!
The situation in the capital was unknown, and she was actually very worried.

It's just that if there are words, it seems that it is not suitable to say at this time.

Gu Youyou's eyes were a little moist, maybe it was because the wind and sand in Xining was too strong, making her eyes dazzled.Maybe it's because I feel that the reunion is always too short, and the suffering is always too much.

She wiped her eyes with her dirty sleeve, and Duan Xiaomei handed her a handkerchief.

"Thank you!" Gu Youyou took the handkerchief and wiped her eyes lightly, then smiled and said, "There's too much sand here."

Duan Xiaomei said: "I know you are reluctant to part with Senior Brother Jin, right? I'm not kidding you, I haven't caught up with Ah Jing yet, so I am also reluctant."

Both of them laughed.

Duan Xiaomei asked again: "Is there something wrong with the capital of Zhuzhao Kingdom? You are all in such a hurry."

"I don't know!" Gu Youyou shook her head, nodded again, and said, "Maybe, it's the criticism we left earlier because we didn't think carefully. Of course, there's nothing we can do about it. The matter of Yu Jizi always has to be solved." In contrast, we can only solve the matter of Yujizi first."

"Will that... be dangerous?"

Gu Youyou smiled wryly: "They may face thousands of troops when they go back, so it is naturally dangerous."

"Ah...? Then we..." Duan Xiaomei was extremely nervous.

Gu Youyou smiled softly: "So what? How many people can you help kill when you go back? Forget it, I trust him."

"Oh!" Duan Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Gu Youyou said: "Let's go, I remember there is a town not far ahead, let's find a place to rest for a day before we go on our way."


Outside Renshou Palace, people kneeling were already full of people begging to see the emperor.

Aunt Li hurriedly came to the Empress Dowager, and said: "Empress Dowager, what should we do now? Many adults are kneeling outside the palace, saying that they have something to ask to see the Emperor, but the Emperor..."

The emperor in the inner hall still doesn't know what's going on outside now. Not only is his health not recovering, but he seems to be seriously ill.

Everyone dared not tell him these things at all, for fear that he would get angry and get sicker.

The Empress Dowager stood up with the help of the maid, and lamented: "What can I do? Let Wan Decheng go out and block it."

Outside the Renshou Palace, more than 20 officials headed by Mr. Cheng knelt outside the palace, and one would be added from time to time. Their team was growing.

Wan Decheng was kicked out by the queen mother to deal with it, and said: "Men and gentlemen, the miscellaneous family call you the miscellaneous family, I beg you, go back, the emperor is very angry because of the queen mother's illness, you are making such a fuss now Don't you want to force people to death!"

Master Cheng sonorously said: "I also ask Eunuch Wan to pass the message to the emperor, and I will ask you to see the emperor if you have something important."

(End of this chapter)

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