Chapter 1466 Who is sick?
Wan Gong said: "Even if you have a big event, it is nothing more than the Queen Mother's life. These days, the Queen Mother is at a critical moment, and she may die at any time. If the Emperor comes out to see you, the Queen Mother just swallowed her breath , Didn’t the Emperor fail to send the Empress Dowager to her death? The miscellaneous family can’t afford this crime, so please go back.”

"The Queen Mother is so seriously ill?" Someone whispered.

"What's the disease? It's the emperor who is sick." Another person murmured in response.

"I think it's the emperor who is dying." Someone sneered.

Everyone was whispering, just not going anyway.

For the big sun, Eunuch Wan also suffered.

He was really helpless, so he could only ask: "Master Cheng, why don't you tell me what's going on? I'll go back and send a message to the emperor to see if the emperor is willing to come out to see you?"

Everyone was moved. Hearing what Eunuch Wan said, some people felt that the emperor's illness was a bit mysterious.

Could it be that the emperor really came out to reprimand them in a while?
The emperor has no way to go for so long, but they all suspect that the emperor is terminally ill and unable to get out of bed.

Master Cheng said seriously: "Eunuch Wan, we came here because of the case of the former Duke's mansion. The Duke Protector died strangely. We found the original jailers and felt that this matter is not that simple.

Besides, it is impossible for Duke Hu to commit suicide in fear of crime. Therefore, I implore the emperor to re-investigate the matter, and if it proves that Duke Hu was wronged, I also ask the emperor to return the 320 eight lives of the Duke of the country to one innocent. "

After hearing this, Eunuch Wan's face darkened, he snorted coldly, and said: "Master Cheng, I think you are too hot, and you are confused. The case of the Duke's Mansion has long been closed, and you are bringing it up now because you want to What kind of trouble? Do you want to get angry with the emperor?"

"Oh, I don't dare to be an official. It's just that as a minister, I can't watch the emperor being deceived by others, and let a generation of loyal and good people be wronged for no reason. Please learn from the emperor!"

Eunuch Wan was simply annoyed by him. Everyone knew his purpose for what Lord Protector did.

Yes, what the eldest prince did was a little reckless, and it wasn't right, but wasn't that forced by the old man who protects the country?

Who has the time to mess around with him?
Now that he is dead, and there are still so many people messing around, it can be seen that the eldest prince was right to act decisively at the beginning, otherwise it would be even more troublesome for the old man to live to this day.

"Master Cheng, this miscellaneous family does not dare to pass on the information for you. The miscellaneous family advises you to go back. When the queen mother is out of danger, the emperor will naturally come out to see you."

They were determined to come here to force the palace, so how could they just leave?
There was a strange smile in Mr. Cheng's eyes, he lowered his head and said slowly: "The minister can only kneel here until the emperor comes out."

"The minister waits for the elder to kneel down..."

The dogs agreed for a while.

"You... are you persecuting the emperor?" Eunuch Wan said angrily.

Mr. Cheng boldly said: "The emperor has not come to court early for many days. If you are really at a loss, please appoint a prince, and the prince will supervise the country to handle the government affairs on your behalf. Floods in the south, severe drought in the north, and bandits in Xining all need the emperor. Handle it personally. We can afford to wait, the people who are living in dire straits cannot afford to wait, it is impossible to be without a king for a day, and please think twice before acting..."

(End of this chapter)

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