Chapter 1467 What to do now?
Hearing these words, Eunuch Wan was so angry that he almost fainted. What is this called?Let the emperor set up a prince, and then let the prince supervise the country, do they want to empty the emperor?

Eunuch Wan raised his head and looked at Xie Huanzhi's people from afar.

They were also helpless, and there was no news from the emperor, they were also anxious, looking at the situation, there was nothing they could do.

Eunuch Wan flicked his clean whip angrily and returned to Renshou Palace.

The queen mother hurriedly asked: "How is it? What do they want to do?"

Eunuch Wan lamented: "Empress Dowager, they are... they are here to force the palace, they say they want to overturn the case of Duke Huguo! If the emperor doesn't go out, they won't be able to kneel for a long time. What do you think about this?"

"Duke Protector overturn the case?" The queen mother said angrily, "What's the point of overturning the case, isn't it closed long ago? I think they want to rebel!"

"Not only that, Empress Dowager, Master Cheng actually said that since the emperor has no ability to separate himself, he appointed a prince and let the prince supervise the country to handle the government affairs on his behalf. I think they clearly believe that the emperor is seriously ill and want to take the emperor off."

"This... what should I do?" The Queen Mother was just a woman who was born as a maid, and she didn't know much about state affairs. When she heard this, she felt like the world was falling apart.

"But the Eldest Prince is not here, so... what about King Qin, quickly call King Qin."

"Hey, old slave, let's go now!" Eunuch Wan wanted to go out from the front, but when he thought about those miserable old men kneeling outside, he turned back and went out from the back.

"Cough, cough..." The emperor's cough came from the room, and the empress dowager asked someone to help her into the inner room.

Seeing the old and thin man lying on the bed, the Empress Dowager felt distressed for a while.

Although the emperor was not her own, she raised her with her own hands.Coupled with her loyalty to the old master, the emperor is more important to her than her own life.

The Empress Dowager was in tears, and lamented: "Your Majesty, your illness will soon be cured, just keep at it, and recuperate well, don't think about anything, you will soon be cured!"

The emperor stretched out his hand, and the maid who served hurriedly helped him up and half lying down.

He said: "I know it all, the queen mother doesn't need to say something nice to persuade me, I know it all."

"You..." The queen mother was startled suddenly, and said, "What do you know?"

"I've heard and guessed everything about the outside world. They're just waiting for me to fall! Hmph... just don't let them get what they want!"

He looked around and suddenly said, "Where's Wan Decheng?"

The queen mother said: "Wan Decheng is not here, I asked him to go out of the palace to find the king of Qin. You are so sick, and you don't want anyone to know. But now they are all forced to come to the gate of the palace, there must be someone to help you ? I think King Qin is not young anymore, and you usually dote on him, why don't you let him come over and tell him all these things?"

The emperor was stunned for a moment, then nodded lightly, and said: "Okay, it's good to call the King of Qin." He struggled to get up, and said: "Change clothes for me!"

The queen mother was shocked and said, "Your majesty, what are you doing changing clothes? Are you going to get up?"

The emperor sighed: "Since we have already blocked the gate of the palace, I will go out and see you."

" your body?"

"It's okay, it's only a few steps away. I'll come back after a few words, which makes the queen mother worry."


Before the queen mother could finish speaking, the emperor interrupted sharply: "Hurry up and change my clothes!"

The maids hurriedly took clothes and changed them for the emperor, and the queen mother was helpless.


(End of this chapter)

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