It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1469 An accident happened to King Qin

Chapter 1469 An accident happened to King Qin

"That's right. As the saying goes, cut the mess with a sharp knife. If you want to sort out the chaotic situation now, you will miss the best opportunity. It's better to cut the mess with a sharp knife."

"Then... shall we continue to kneel now, or..."

Mr. Cheng patted the ashes on his clothes, and said in a low voice: "Since everyone has thought clearly, I will go home to recharge my batteries and prepare for the battle. Everyone, let's figure it out, haha..."

The leaders are all gone, so what are they still kneeling here for?
After a while, the people in front of Renshou Palace dispersed.

Lin Xingyi looked at it from a distance, and said, "Master Xie, do you think which song is the emperor singing?"

It is said that the emperor fell ill, but he came out intact again.

Master Xie only said mysteriously: "Sometimes what you see with your eyes may not be true. These people can't wait any longer. Master Lin, let's go back and prepare quickly."

"What can we prepare for? Didn't you realize that now every city has to be strictly interrogated?" Master Lin said helplessly.

Mr. Xie hurriedly turned his head to look at his son.

Xie Zhonglin said: "Father, please rest assured. Didn't you expect it? Xintong and the others have been sent out by me a long time ago, so they should be arriving soon."

Lin Xingyi regretted it endlessly, and said: "I should have sent my wife and children out long ago, alas, what a mistake."

Xie Huanzhi said: "What do you have to give? Mrs. Lin is a young lady married from the Duke's Mansion. They will not attack anyone they attack, and they will not attack your family. I am more worried about those neutral adults. I am afraid that some people will arrest their family members and threaten them, forcing them to stand in line."


Wan Decheng hurried to Qin Wang's mansion, but Qin Wang didn't see him, but met the anxious new Qin Wangfei, who was the original Qin Wang Jie side concubine.

The upright Princess Qin had already died of illness. After her death, Concubine Jie, who had given birth to two sons, was naturally brought upright.

"Princess Qin, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Eunuch Wan, why are you in such a hurry?"



"Tell me first!" Eunuch Wan said eagerly.

"Okay, then you can drink tea in the house first, and I have to take care of King Qin."

"Ah...?" Hearing what she said, Eunuch Wan couldn't drink tea, so he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with King Qin?"

Xie Qinyun said anxiously: "Just now the young man in the family came back with news that His Royal Highness King Qin fell from his horse and was seriously injured."

"His Royal Highness King Qin fell off his horse?" Eunuch Wan's head buzzed, wondering if it was a bit of a coincidence, and hurriedly asked, "How did His Royal Highness King Qin fall off his horse?"

"Oh, I don't know what's wrong. The prince has been very busy recently. He runs out of the city several times a day. I heard that he went to General Xiao and General Lu. Ask him what's the matter, he doesn't Say, what do you think we should do now? If something happens to him, how will my two children and I live?"

Xie Qinyun rubbed her handkerchief and cried into tears.

After hearing these words, Eunuch Wan also understood.

Recently, in the seemingly peaceful capital city, there is an aura of mania everywhere, even the women in the boudoir know about it, so how could His Royal Highness King Qin not know about it?

Although the emperor is ill, he doesn't necessarily know everything.

The king of Qin wandered around the various military camps, and he must have been secretly mobilizing troops for the emperor, so why did he fall down by such a coincidence? In fact, the answer is already very clear.

(End of this chapter)

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