It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1470 The Emperor's Order

Chapter 1470 The Emperor's Order

Xie Qinyun said anxiously: "Hey, I won't tell you anymore, I have to go see the prince quickly."

After finishing speaking, Xie Qinyun asked someone to put on the carriage, and hurriedly went to find the King of Qin.

Eunuch Wan also had to return disappointed in the end. Under such circumstances, it was unreliable to find King Qin, and he only hoped that he would not fall too hard.

The emperor insisted on going out to meet those ministers, but he vomited blood again after returning, and his condition tended to worsen.

The two imperial physicians kept complaining: "Oh, how can the emperor be brave at this critical time? The emperor really can't toss about with his body now, if this continues, the ministers will be powerless!"

The queen mother snorted coldly and said: "You speak lightly. If the emperor doesn't go out, you will fight against the sky outside? Are you making excuses if your medical skills are not good? Why don't you give the emperor a good look! Let the two of you be buried with me."

The hardest job in the world is to work for the royal family. If it is cured, it is easy to say, but if it is not cured, it may be a matter of losing your head.

But who made them imperial doctors?Facing the mischief from their masters, they could only bear with it.

The emperor coughed a few times, and said calmly: "I'm afraid my body is going to die. I know it well, and the queen mother can't blame them. I don't ask you to show favor to me. As long as you can make me live until the eldest prince comes back, you will be considered meritorious. "

The imperial physicians felt that it was not easy for the emperor, so their eyes immediately became moist, and they only said that they would do their best.

The Empress Dowager burst into tears, covering her handkerchief and crying silently.

I only know that God is short-sighted this day, she is an old woman who is going to die a long time ago, but she is not dead yet, the emperor looks old, but in fact she is not old, but she has become an old man who is dying. Almost at the end.

Soon Eunuch Wan came back. He ran too fast, and the weather was so hot that he was sweating profusely.

"It's not good, your majesty, empress dowager, and His Royal Highness King Qin have also had an accident."

He told all the things he knew when he went to Prince Qin's mansion, as well as his own guesses, and the queen mother was shaky when she heard it.

"King Qin? This child, King Qin, must have been murdered by them..."

One after another, the sad news reached the emperor's ears, and the face of the emperor who had been silent all this time turned a little paler.

First, General Lu had an accident. The little general of the Lu family is now playing a big game in the army. After all, he is younger, and there is General Lu who is safe.

Xining bandits are everywhere, but at this time, those bandits dragged the army of Xining.

Besides, far away water can't save near fire, no matter how fast?And where is the speed of dispatching troops in Peking?

Now, the only pillar that can be pulled out is also being plotted by someone, and it will fall?

King Qin knew how to ride a horse since he was a child, how could he fall off the horse?
The emperor tried his best not to let himself get angry, held his breath, and said to Wan Decheng in a low voice: "Now there are three things you need to do as soon as possible. One thing is to tell Concubine Sheng about King Qin and let her go out of the palace to take care of King Qin." , the other thing is to go to Qianqing Palace and bring my little red box, and the third thing is to call the general of the Imperial Forest Army. Hurry up, the sooner the better."

I'm afraid it's too late, the palace will not be under his control.

The emperor asked Wan Gonggong to carry out various actions non-stop. On the other hand, Jin Tianzhong, who was secretly returning to the capital from the Jin family, was also not idle.

Just as Xie Huanzhi expected, the people he brought into Beijing quickly began to control the families of officials above the third rank of the imperial court.

It has been very smooth all the time, but hit a wall at Xie Huanzhi's house.

(End of this chapter)

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