Chapter 1496 The Legendary Team
The people are still those people, but their appearance at this time is much more powerful than those soldiers who are fighting.

"Protect the emperor, kill the traitor, kill..."

Everyone was stunned by this group of people who suddenly appeared.

Where are ordinary people here?When they killed people, they were much more ruthless than soldiers like them, and they looked like an elite team that had undergone special training.

With the addition of the Red Lotus Army, Xiao Jinfei's team suddenly felt that the pressure had dropped a lot.

They went to escort the emperor, and Xiao Jinfei's men also broke through to the palace, so their goals did not conflict.

On the contrary, those who stopped them became the enemies of this team.

"Who are these people?" Xiao Jinfei asked in surprise.

"I don't know, it looks like a commoner in the city, hey, it is a commoner in the city, isn't that Boss Niu?" Xiao Jinyan said loudly.

"People in the city?" Xiao Jinfei was thoughtful.

Xiao Jinyan laughed loudly and said, "Haha, is it that the common people can't see it? Brother, look, they are here to help us!"

Ordinary people?It's the common people, but it doesn't look like it.

Jin Tianyuan hid in a restaurant, saw the situation outside through the gap in the window and said angrily: "Who are these people?"

These extremely fierce people do not know where they came from.

The people below replied: "They are ordinary people in the city!"

"Ordinary people? Have you ever seen ordinary people who are more fierce than soldiers?"

The shopkeeper of the restaurant took a look and said, "General, this is really a commoner in the city. Look at that one, isn't that the owner of the silk and satin shop?"

"Oh, there's another one, from the bun shop!"

"Hey, the tailor from the tailor's shop!"

Jin Tianyuan's face was already blackened.

Although he grew up with his father in the Beiping military camp in his early years, he would come back to the capital every year, but he didn't know what the people in the capital would look like?
Even a tailor can kill with a knife, so how can we fight this battle?
But he suddenly thought of something and was startled.

He stood up excitedly and opened the window.

"It's them, it's them!" he murmured.

Jin Tianyuan's soldiers took him back, closed the window again, and said, "Be careful, General!"

"Who are they?"

Jin Tianyuan sat down on the chair and said: "It's them, the fifty thousand red lotus army held by the emperor." He widened his eyes and said excitedly: "Yes, the red lotus in the sky just now is the red lotus army. Grandfather Inquired everywhere about the whereabouts of the [-] Red Lotus Army, but couldn't find it anywhere, turns out that they have been in the capital all along, hiding among ordinary people."

"No, or, in fact, they are ordinary people in this city. Okay, Jin Moning, Jin Moning..."

Jin Tianyuan's face was ashen!
The people under him hurriedly persuaded: "Don't worry, General, as long as Jin Wang becomes the prince and emperor, we are not afraid of the fifty thousand red lotus army!"

"is it?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, the window suddenly shattered, and the next second, a bright red dagger was already on Jin Tianyuan's neck.

The speed was too fast, and Jin Tianyuan, who had experienced many battles, had no power to parry and was already regarded as a fish under the knife.

Following that, overwhelming killing intent rushed towards their faces, shocking those who had seen countless bloody battlefields!
"Jin Zijin?"

Jin Mo Ning moves every step of the way, without him cruelly throwing Jin Zijin to the Taoist school back then, how could he develop such an ability that ordinary people can't match?
 When they first came to the capital, they were guessing where the 5 people were, and now they finally used it

(End of this chapter)

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