Chapter 1497 The Last Struggle
Jin Zijin looked at him coldly, and said to the following Yue Rujing: "Grab it and enter the palace!"

No one could stop them from entering the palace. Outside the Renshou Palace, Jin Tianzhong, who had been waiting wholeheartedly for Jin Tianyuan, finally arrived.

Jin Tianyuan wore armor and entered the palace with 'majesty'. Jin Tianzhong was overjoyed, and the ministers who supported them were also overjoyed.

Although it is not as logical as passing on the position of King Jin, at least it is a success!

It's just that Jin Tianyuan's actions puzzled everyone.

Jin Tianyuan got down from the carriage, took off his helmet, knelt down in front of the emperor's couch, and said, "Jin Tianyuan, the guilty minister, sees the emperor!"

what happened?

Everyone was stunned.

A group of people came up slowly from the bottom of the steps. When everyone turned their heads to look, their eyes suddenly widened.

The empress dowager whose eyes were red from crying saw it, and was stunned for a moment, then cried even harder.

"Zijin, is Zijin back? Zijin, your father, your father..." The queen mother had reached her limit, and at this moment she finally saw Jin Zijin. When rescuers came, she would not hold on anymore Live, fainted.

"A Jing!" Jin Zijin looked at Yue Rujing, Yue Rujing nodded slightly, and quickly helped the queen mother up to diagnose her.

There are several imperial physicians kneeling next to them. Looking at the situation, any fool can understand who will win and who will lose when they fall to the ground?
If you don't compete to show your loyalty at this time, when should you wait?
Everyone quickly walked to the Queen Mother and began to give first aid to the Queen Mother.

Xiao Jinfei looked coldly at Jin Tianzhong who was stunned on the spot and didn't react, he smiled and said, "Take down all these rebels."

Seeing the soldiers in armor walking towards him, Jin Tianzhong finally realized.

He was the closest to the emperor, suddenly jumped up, turned around and grabbed the emperor, and the knife in his hand also rested on the emperor's shoulder.

Is this going to jump over the wall in a hurry?
Everyone was terrified by him and exclaimed again and again.

Jin Tianzhong knew that he had failed, but he still couldn't believe it. He turned to look at Jin Tianyuan and asked, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Jin Tianyuan has always maintained a slumped posture, not even daring to look at him.

Jin Tianzhong knew in his heart that they were finished, completely finished.

From the moment Jin Zijin appeared in front of his eyes, he knew it was completely over.


He laughed wildly and said: "Brother, you said that if this operation is not successful, you will be benevolent. Even if there is only one soldier left in the end, you must never become their prisoner. You said, I would rather Die standing up, never live on your knees. What are you doing now? Ah, tell me, what are you doing now?"

Jin Tianzhong's hand holding the knife trembled a little. The weather wasn't too hot, but he was already dripping with sweat.

Compared with death, what scares him more is Jin Tianyuan's kneeling down.

He calls himself a criminal, so what are they doing?For such a great crime, can one be saved from death by kneeling down?

"Brother, get up!" Jin Tianzhong shouted loudly.

Everyone looked at him, seeing that Jin Tianzhong, who was still high-spirited not long ago, now looks like a bereaved dog.

Jin Tianyuan remained silent, allowing Jin Tianzhong to scold angrily.

Jin Tianzhong closed his eyes in disappointment, completely giving up on this cowardly person who fears death.

He is not afraid, he has the emperor in his hands, even if he dies, he will hold the emperor's back.

He issued a military order, and if he failed, he would keep his life.

(End of this chapter)

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