Chapter 1807 Lu Tong's Relic

"Really?" Lu Yu looked surprised and said, "Are you sure we are talking about the same person?"

Jia Ren: "..."

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth twitched and said, "In addition to her amazing disguise, my mother also has another identity. People in the Jianghu are called Bai Xiaosheng. Bai Xiaosheng, do you understand? If she doesn't like to walk around and ask about messy things, why? Can you get the three characters Bai Xiaosheng out?"

Jia Ren kept his head down, and suddenly said in surprise after a while: "She's walking she looking for something?"

"Looking for something?" Lu Yu looked confused, and shook his head, "I don't know about that, but I know she has a hobby, like collecting all kinds of stories, the sadder the better..."

Right at this point, Yi Yan's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Hey, come here and see what I found!"

The two were startled, and quickly ran to the dilapidated stone house.

The three masters and apprentices who lived here before were all psychopaths in their words.

Such people don't live in normal houses, and they don't take the time to build any.

So they lived in stone houses and caves.

This room is used for cooking, they actually live in a cave.

And Yi Yan lit up the fire with a disheveled face. She was holding a heavy stone box in her hand. The fire that had just started was extinguished because no one added firewood.

"What is this? Where did you find it?" Lu Yu asked hastily.

But Jia Ren hugged him, put the stone box on the ground and opened it.

It was full of yellowing scrolls.

Jia Ren hurriedly picked up a book and opened it, after a while, he closed it, saw Lu Yu and Yi Yan looking at him expectantly, but he smiled wryly: "You said your mother likes to collect all kinds of stories? Sure enough, this box should contain the stories she collected."

Yi Yan nodded lightly, pointed to the stone cave at the end of the stone house, and said, "There are all such boxes there, maybe they are all the stories my mother collected."

The three of them walked over together, only to find that new soil appeared there, a broken wall.

It looked like it was manifested after a landslide.

Before Lu Tong died, she did not tell her son and daughter-in-law that she kept these things. From the scene, it can be seen that she planned to bury these things and did not want to be seen.

Lu Yu knew that his mother had collected a lot of stories, and he had actually seen most of them, but he really couldn't figure out why his mother did this.
If she wanted to bring her beloved things into the coffin, she only had to order, and they could always build her a mausoleum that could hold these things.

But these boxes of hers were not buried deep, and they would be exposed as soon as the water rushed.

Lu Yu looked at it for a while, and said: "These things are things my mother liked before she was alive. Let's dig them out first and help her bury them again. It's too unsafe here."

All three agreed, and together they pulled the stone boxes out of the dirt.

A total of twenty or so were pulled out, and each one was made exactly the same.

Lu Yu couldn't help complaining, "Why don't you make a big one? It would be nice to put it in a big coffin."

Jia Ren gave him a shudder after hearing this, and at the same time, the box in his hand fell, and the stone box was smashed into pieces.

"Oops!" He yelled, hurriedly picked up the things inside, and dusted off the dust.

He said: "As long as your mother likes it, but now it seems that it is really better to make a big stone box to store these things."

 In fact, a long time ago, everyone could see that Lu Tong was a person with a story, very special.

  It's just that her story has never found a suitable opportunity to write, but fortunately there is a side story.

(End of this chapter)

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