Chapter 1808 A Special Story
They opened all these boxes and took out the contents.

Only then did they discover that these stories were all written in books of different materials.

Some are Jinbo, some are ordinary paper comic books, there are also characters written on animal skins, and even engraved characters on bamboo slips.

The three of them sat in the cave, sorted out these books, and placed them flat in the clean cave.

Lu Yu wiped his sweat and his stomach growled with hunger, he said: "Uncle Master, you stay here to guard, Yi Yan and I will go down the mountain to buy some food, and find a mason to make a big box. "

Jia Ren said: "Buy more food to eat, don't hire stonemasons, buy some stone-breaking tools and let us do it ourselves."

He pointed to the books on the ground and said: "These brocades are worth thousands of gold, it's best not to let people know."

Think about it too.

Lu Yu nodded and said, "Okay, so it seems that we will stay here for a while longer."

"Well, let's go!"

Lu Yu and Yi Yan went down the mountain to do some shopping, while Jia Ren sat in the cave, picking up books and reading them slowly.

The stories are not long, but as Lu Yu said, they are all tragic love stories between men and women.

In some cases, two people fell in love, but the family did not allow it, and they were beaten with sticks.

In some cases, one pursues the other bitterly, and there is no result for a lifetime.

Some love each other, but because of various reasons, they can't stay together until they die.

He read more than ten volumes, but none of the stories had a good ending.

Gradually, the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, and the more he looked at it, the more desolate he felt.

Until...he saw such a story.


Master brought me back to the mountain as an orphan, and I saw my brother.

The master said: "We will live here from now on. Your relatives are the master and the senior brother. The master is going down the mountain, and the senior brother will take care of you."

I looked at my senior brother's face, and felt that it looked so strange, and I was a little scared.

But in order not to worry Master, I nodded heavily.

Master would often go down the mountain, and I spent a lot of time up the mountain with my brother, and then I found a problem, the face of my brother kept changing, every few months, I had to make new acquaintances.

Later, I didn't even need to look at his face to recognize him. I could recognize him only by looking at his back.

So I asked him: "Brother, although we are learning disguise, there is no need to wear a mask every day, I want to see your real face."

The senior brother touched his face and said with a smile: "When you can draw a completely different makeup from this face, I will show you."

I'm a quick learner, and it didn't take me long to perfect my disguise skills.

But when I asked my brother to fulfill his promise, he said: "This skill I have learned, I can't show my true face to others before I become a master."

I was quite disappointed, but the more he refused to show me, the more curious I became.

So, after another few years, we all grew up.

Once Master went down the mountain and didn't come back for a long time. I found that my brother had disappeared. I searched all over the mountains and plains but couldn't find him.

I have never been alone in Wutong Mountain, and I rarely see outsiders, and I live in fear every day.

Until one day, I saw my brother come back with a jar made of clay.

He changed his face again, and I saw that the face he made this time was very real, so I asked: "Brother, your face...?"

The brother said: "I have left the teacher, this is my true face."

I finally saw his real face, and I was ecstatic that my wish had come true. I was too excited to speak, and just kept staring at his face.

(End of this chapter)

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