Chapter 347 Farewell
These few words of the little girl won Yue Ruxue's heart, she raised her chin proudly.

"Okay, let her see the prosperity of our Lingnan. You, go tell Xiaotao to stop that woman tomorrow morning. Forget it for a few days. I can't let her run away tomorrow. I have to humiliate you in front of everyone. She can't."

Gu Youyou, who was going to be humiliated, didn't know anything. After working for so many days, she finally got it done.

"Zijin, let's move here tomorrow. The downstairs can be done slowly, and some medicinal materials need to be purchased. The upstairs can be lived in."

Jin Zijin smiled lightly and nodded.

He knew that the young ladies of the Yue family had troubled her, but they missed it every day.

They lost their patience, and she couldn't wait to run.

He plans to leave tomorrow, so Gu Youyou will find out to pack the salute tonight.

"Madam Jin, our old lady wants to see you, so you must not run away before dawn tomorrow."

Xiaotao was scared to death, the second young lady cursed so fiercely, she almost said this to Gu Youyou in a begging tone.

Before Gu Youyou could reply, she listened to Jin Zijin who came in from the outside and said: "Oh, we are going to bid farewell to the old lady tomorrow, and I'm sorry Miss Xiaotao has a message."

Xiao Taotai raised her head and looked at Jin Zijin.

It's the young ladies who want to humiliate Gu Youyou, it has nothing to do with Young Master Jin, if he wants to go too, then the young ladies have to sell her out.

Xiaotao was so anxious that her face turned pale and her whole body trembled.

"No, they, the old lady said that she only wanted to see Mrs. Jin."

Jin Zijin said: "Nothing, I will go and explain to the old lady. You have nothing to do here, you go down first."

"Oh no!"

"Still leaving?" Although Jin Zijin's voice was still calm and without Si Hao's angry look, his complexion had already turned cold.

"I...Okay, yes!" Xiaotao went out with a pale face, and then quickly ran out of the yard to report to the second lady's room.

Gu Youyou sneered and said, "You did it on purpose, what are you scaring the little girl for?"

Jin Zijin said righteously: "I didn't scare her, it's because she has a ghost in her heart."

"Then you also know that she has ghosts in her heart..."

"That's none of my business!"

Gu Youyou: "..." When did you become so wicked?

Jin Zijin and Gu Youyou came to see the old lady together, the old lady's room was full of women, not to mention, it was really scary.

It is said that there are three women in one drama, how many dramas can a room of women get, isn't it scary?

"Zijin, I heard that you are here to say goodbye today?"

Last night, Xiaotao went to pass the message to the second miss, and the second miss got up early to greet the old lady, so she naturally told her about it.

In other words, she is very unwilling, if she knew they were going to leave, she should have gotten up earlier to guard Gu Youyou, bullied her to death while she was still in the Hou's mansion, made her proud, and robbed brother Zijin.

Jin Zijin took Gu Youyou to salute the old lady, and said, "Yes, we are here today to bid farewell to the old lady."

"Oh, isn't it nice to live in the Hou Mansion? Why do you want to live outside?"

Jin Zijin said: "Yuyou opened a medical clinic in Lingnan. Our house is ready. We will open a medical clinic on the first floor and live on the second floor. It will open in a few days. I have bothered the old lady for several days, and I dare not Bothering."

Hearing this, all the women in the room changed their expressions and looked around.

Didn't it mean that this woman is a village girl who only knows how to farm and raise pigs?How can she be medical?
(End of this chapter)

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