It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 348 We want to open a hospital

Chapter 348 We want to open a hospital
There aren't many women who are good at medicine, so she is brazenly talking about opening a clinic in Lingnan?Hmph, it's strange that someone came to her for medical treatment.

The young woman naturally had a look of disdain, if she hadn't seen Jin Zijin here, she would have buried Gu Youyou with a lot of sarcastic words.

However, the old lady didn't show any sarcasm, and re-examined Gu Youyou.

It is said that people should not be judged by their appearance, and that there are masters outside the mountains, some words are not without reason.

If she didn't have some special abilities, how could Jin Zijin like her?

Besides... the person who checked her details hasn't come back yet, just based on what Yue Rujing asked, he had to believe it, and he couldn't believe it all.

The old lady smiled warmly and kindly, and said: "Opening a medical clinic is a good thing to help the world. It is even more rare for a woman to open a medical clinic than a man. If this is the case, I will not stay anymore. You have decided to open it." Don't forget to ask Ah Jing to tell the old man, so we can also prepare a small gift to express our affection."

Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin cupped their hands in thanks: "Thank you, old lady."

Yue Ruxue had planned to humiliate Gu Youyou, but she didn't say anything under the old lady's warning. When they left, her little face was wrinkled into a ball.

"Grandmother, why didn't you let me talk about it just now, and you, why did you drag me?" She pointed to her eldest sister, Yue Rushuang.

Yue Rushuang is a concubine's daughter, she has no mother yet, and she is not as popular with the elders as Yue Ruxue, so she gives way to her everywhere and dare not argue with her.Seeing this, the old lady also felt that the daughter-in-law was spoiled. She snorted and said displeasedly: "Your sister is a year older than you, but she is several years more stable than you. I know that Zijin married someone else. Not reconciled, but you don’t even think about it, how do you know how to measure the other party without knowing what’s going on and you shoot at them indiscriminately?”

"I... What do I need to know? In short, she is just wrong. "

The old lady sneered: "Yes, it's not right for anyone to marry Zijin, unless that person is yourself. Alas, I also blame your father. He is so good-looking, and he didn't leave a word. What do you think about it? When he said it at the beginning I felt something was wrong. Zijin is a good kid, but he is too much older than you. If he got married early, the kid would catch up with you. I guessed that he was married after so many years without hearing from him. You have no play at all."


"All right, all right, no matter what identity Gu Youyou used to be, she is now Zijin's wife. You, hey, my wife has to worry about you. Cuizhen, investigate all the marriageable young men in Lingnan , choose a suitable one for her, so as not to keep thinking about what she shouldn't."

Mrs. Hou Ye replied: "Oh, mother!"


The weather is getting cooler, but the workers who are repairing the house are still tired and sweaty.

Gu Youyou cooked mung bean soup on high heat to relieve them of summer heat. Those workers were very grateful.

"Doctor Gu, we have already paid our wages, so how can we have the nerve to eat your food?"

Gu Youyou said: "In the past few days, everyone has worked hard with all their heart, which is what they should."

"Since Dr. Gu said so, then we will not be polite."

"Mrs. Gu is really kind. To be a doctor, you have to have a good heart."

"Yeah, the business in this Jishengtang must be booming, making money every day..."

"This is a medical clinic, but don't let the business be booming!"

Everyone suddenly realized, and laughed again: "Haha, yes, the business of the medical clinic can't be booming, it's our slip of the tongue."

(End of this chapter)

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