It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 435 Her time is running out

Chapter 435 Her time is running out

It was full of small granules of medicinal powder, and after smelling it, it smelled like herbs, and the smell was very familiar.

After looking at it for a while, he sighed: "This method is indeed much more convenient, and it seems that there are not many drugs."

"That's right, reduce waste."

Jin Zijin also took it over and looked at it. He didn't know much about medical skills, and he knew a little bit.After reading it, he said: "It's good, but it's hard to distinguish if the patient's condition is complicated."

Gu Youyou smiled, took out some small paper bags, and said, "Of course I have thought about it, so these small paper bags are not mixed, but a powder made from a single medicinal material. Not all medicines are suitable for grinding Powdered medicine, so the prescription we are using now will continue to be prescribed.”

They stared at each other for a while, then nodded.

Jin Zijin said: "According to what you said, in fact, many medicines can be refined into pills. Youyou can prescribe prescriptions for common diseases, and I will practice those medicines into pills."

Gu Youyou's modern family has opened a lot of pharmaceutical factories, but there is no alchemy stove. I didn't expect Jin Zijin to do it.

Yue Rujing laughed and said proudly: "My senior brother's medical skills are not very good, but he is very good at alchemy and talisman, so it's right to leave it to him."

Gu Youyou: "..."

She heard that she believed in alchemy to make pills, but what happened to the symbols?

Seeing that the newly established revolutionary friendship is not yet strong, and the confidence of the comrades-in-arms is high, I really can't bear to say some ugly words, so I just nodded my head against my conscience.

A few people sat down and discussed together, Yue Rujing said very richly, "I'll take care of the money, whoever I need, what kind of tools Gu Zong decides, I'll send someone to find and do it."

Gu Youyou grinned and said, "That's exactly what I mean. But right now you have to find a suitable place, my backyard is not enough."

"No problem, I'll buy the house."

Gu Youyou happily gave the various blueprints she had drawn to Yue Rujing.


The high-profile recruited Yue Rujing to join the group, and announced that he and Yue Rujing were from the same school, and directly gave a blow to those other medical centers who tried to squeeze and started to secretly frame Jishengtang.

If you want to hang out in Lingnan, who dares to provoke the people of the Hou Mansion?
Gu Youyou originally didn't intend to do this. With her own ability, Zhou Xuan was able to compete with several other time-honored medical clinics, but the incident of Jin Zijin's stolen letter reminded her that she didn't have enough time, and there was no need to spend time with insignificant people. tear it off.Before she left Lingnan, she wanted to run the Jishengtang well, so she had some confidence in going to the capital in the future.

Two-thirds of the workers Gu Youyou recruited were women. Yue Rujing was puzzled and said, "Why do we need so many women? Grinding medicine requires strength. Wouldn't it be better to find some strong men? If you are thieves, you can still work." Use it as a nursing home."

Gu Youyou rolled his eyes at him, and said: "You know how to use it reasonably, but women are more precise in their work. They are not used to grind medicine, but to divide medicine. My batch of small balances for medicine are all ready. Is it? If it's almost there, you can let them go to the top."

"Shanggang?" Yue Rujing frowned: "Go to work?"


"You have so many strange words in your head."

With Yue Rujing coming forward, things are quite efficient.

In less than three months, everything was done, except for Gu Youyou to train them.

The house is in a big house behind Gu Youyou's house, but the owner of the house has moved out long ago.When I first went to see it, I thought the house was not small, but it was desolate because no one lived there for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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