Chapter 436

It doesn't matter, anyway, what she wants to build is a factory, and it will be overthrown and rebuilt.

Under Yue Rujing's coercion and lure, the house next to her sold her an alley and opened up the alley. They can directly lead to the processing factory from the backyard of Jishengtang, which is very convenient.

Passing through the alley, Gu Youyou saw the completed factory building for the first time, it was as clean and tidy as she expected.

The tools for grinding medicine have also been installed, the assembly line operation, and the other end of the conveyor belt is for sub-packaging.

The ancient people always paid attention to the difference between men and women. In order to satisfy their etiquette, integrity, shame, and ethics, she divided the whole office into two, and there was a wall in the middle of the conveyor belt.

You can reach through the hole in the wall and shake hands.

Of course, this was impossible in a feudal society.

"Mr. Gu, how do you feel?" Yue Rujing proudly asked for credit.

Gu Youyou didn't hesitate to praise him, and gave him a thumbs up: "It's very efficient, not bad."

"Yo, it's not easy to get Mr. Gu's compliment, even if it's just a good one." Although these words sounded a bit sour, Yue Rujing's smile on her brows was very real.

He clapped his hands, and more than 30 men and women walked out led by an old lady with their heads down.

"Doctor Gu, my son, everyone is here!" The old lady smiled and bowed.

Gu Youyou laughed softly: "You also found an old mother to take care of them?"

Yue Rujing said in amazement: "Of course not, this is a human tooth."

"Ah...?" Gu Youyou hated Ren Yazi, reluctantly saluted the old lady, and pulled Yue Rujing to the base of the wall.

"Didn't I ask you to find some honest, diligent and trustworthy guys? We just pay the wages. Why did you just buy these people?"

As a modern person, especially a modern person who was almost betrayed by human teeth, I do not agree with this approach.

Yue Rujing rolled her eyes and said, "I know what you mean, what did you do... What did you say last time? Heart of the Virgin?"

Gu Youyou pushed him, and said calmly: "You are the heart of the Virgin, I just don't like buying and selling people. You don't know that I was almost sold when I was in Lianhua Village."

"Then what you don't like is human teeth. What does it have to do with them? And it's too late to regret it. I paid for them."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Yue Rujing sighed, put her elbows on Gu Youyou's shoulders and said earnestly: "I don't understand what you've got in your head, it's obviously more cost-effective to buy. For these people, good three 40 taels One, almost ten taels, no matter how you calculate it, it’s more cost-effective than your... Pinellia, I heard that you opened her five taels a month, where can you make money if you want to do business like this?"

Gu Youyou: "..."

"And you said that you want to find some honest, hardworking and trustworthy guys. Let me tell you, if you drive five taels today, someone will drive six or two tomorrow and run away. It's just us... Technology, didn't you say the only one, in case What if someone ran away and took your technology away? At that time, everyone would make medicine like this, and we would have competition.

But it’s different for those who bought them. We have their deeds of selling themselves, and the monks can’t escape the temple if they run away.I dare say that when they come to our place, they are better than being sold to a rich family to be servants.You don't understand the pickles of rich people, but you are right to listen to me. "

(End of this chapter)

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