It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 458 Looking for Lu Qianqian's Person

Chapter 458 Looking for Lu Qianqian's Person

Now the family is in a mess, he didn't want to deal with those irrelevant people, and said lightly: "You are looking for the wrong one, there is no girl named Lu Qianqian in our family."

The onlookers were unhappy, and shouted: "Hey, why not, Dabao, isn't your wife's name Lu Qianqian?"

As for Lu Qianqian in the courtyard, her face turned pale when she heard the voice, and she didn't feel tight when she hugged the child until the child was strangled until she burst into tears.

"Hey, Qianqian, what are you doing? Jin Bao is crying."

Huang Xiangwen took the child from Lu Qianqian's hand distressedly, and coaxed him in circles in the yard.

She only focused on Gu Youyou, but didn't care about outside affairs.

Because she decided that the one who knocked on the door was the gossip outside.

"Oh, the child is peeing, really!"

She was busy carrying the baby to change diapers in the backyard.

Seeing Lu Qianqian's reaction, Gu Youyou smiled at her in a daze.

Lu Qianqian recovered her senses and looked at Gu Youyou, seeing Gu Youyou's misfortune-like appearance, she suddenly understood something, her eyes were full of resentment.

Jin Zijin put his hand on Gu Youyou's and said in a low voice, "There are guests coming, why don't we go out to greet them too."

Gu Youyou said kindly: "That's exactly what I mean."

"No, don't!" Lu Qianqian's face was pale, she got up suddenly, and ran across from Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin to block their way.

She panicked and couldn't control the volume. She shouted loudly. Jing Wen, the man in the blue shirt outside, heard it. He was overjoyed for a moment, and shouted loudly into the courtyard: "Qianqian, are you inside? I'm Jing Wen! "

Gu Dabao felt that something was wrong, so he blocked the door tightly to prevent him from coming in.

"There's no one you're looking for here, go away."

"Why not, I heard her voice."

Seeing this situation, the onlookers wentssip.

"Who is this? What is his relationship with Lu Qianqian?"

"Is it a relative of their natal family? Didn't you hear him say that he is from Anqing Town?"

"A relative? Then why doesn't Gu Dabao let him in?"

Someone asked: "Dabao, he is a relative of Lu Qianqian's natal family, why don't you let him in?"

Gu Dabao was taken aback, why didn't he let him in?

He didn't know either, he just felt that this person was not a good person, and instinctively didn't want him to go in.

But if it is true that this person is a relative of Qianqian's natal family as the folks said, how can he have the courtesy to block relatives from the door?

When she was worrying, Gu Youyou came out.

"Dabao, let someone come in, Qianqian's family... relatives."

On the other side, Lu Qianqian had already been acupointed by Jin Zijin, and was sitting by the table in a daze.

Dabao stepped aside to open the door, and Jing Wen hurried in.

As for Gu Dabao, he stayed behind and closed the door with a pole, blocking all the onlookers outside.

"Ah Qianqian, you are really here. I heard that you are here, but I still don't believe it." Jing Wen saw Lu Qianqian, rushed towards her in a hurry, and hugged her regardless of the presence of outsiders.

Lu Qianqian was acupointed by Jin Zijin, she couldn't resist at all, and even maintained a dazed expression.

But in her heart, Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin had already gritted their teeth so hard.

They must have done it, how could they know what happened between themselves and Jing Wen?

Huang Xiangwen, who came out after changing the diaper, saw this scene immediately, and she was too shocked to react for a while.

Who is this man?Why are you hugging her eldest daughter-in-law Qianqian?But Qianqian still let others hold her.

 Next update at 5:[-]
(End of this chapter)

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