Chapter 459 Give Me Back My Son
Gu Dabao, who came back after closing the door, also happened to see this scene, without thinking about it, he grabbed the stick by the door and rushed towards Jing Wen.

"Let go of my wife!" he said angrily.

Jin Zijin and Gu Youyou didn't stop him, because Jing Wen wasn't a good thing, they had cheated Dabao so badly, and they deserved beating him up.

"Oh, what are you doing? You are a rude poor man, you can marry Qianqian just because of you?"

After beating and shouting, Huang Xiangwen on the other side was finally awakened.

He just woke up and woke up, completely unaware of what he had discovered.

Look at Lu Qianqian again, still motionless.

She came over with the child in her arms and asked, "What's going on? Who is this man?"

Jin Zijin saw that it was almost done, and reached out to touch Lu Qianqian's back, and she regained her freedom.

"This..." She pointed at the man who was being chased by Gu Dabao and said, "I don't know this person at all, he came to the courtyard and just...just like me, but Gu Youyou and the others did something to me, I just now Can't move."

Hey, it's been a while since Gu Youyou can still beat her up. Gu Youyou has gained a lot of knowledge.

Just now Lu Qianqian really couldn't move, Huang Xiangwen also watched, she cast her eyes on Gu Youyou with a cruel expression on her face.

"What do you want to do? You want Dabao's father to surrender, and he went. You want the Gu family's property, and Dabao also said that I will deal with it for you. What do you want now?"

Gu Youyou just said indifferently: "Since Dabao called me big sister and is so sensible, I naturally want to help him."

"Help him?" Huang Xiangwen sneered.

And Lu Qianqian, who was on the side, turned pale again after hearing Gu Youyou's words.

She is not stupid, how could she fail to understand the meaning of Gu Youyou's words.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you really want to help, you should help Dabao beat that man out." Lu Qianqian roared ferociously.

"Indeed!" Gu Youyou smiled lightly.

In this room, Jin Zijin had already got up to separate the two who were fighting.

One in each hand, carry it over and throw it on the ground.

Gu Dabao seized the opportunity, the injury was only minor, and he quickly got up.

That Jing Wen was worse, half of his handsome face was swollen, and there were many bruises on his body, and his leg was so painful that he couldn't stand up, and couldn't, so he just sat on the ground.

Gu Youyou also said seriously: "Seeing that he is seriously injured, I think he can't beat me. Don't cause death. Why don't you find someone to go to his house and let someone from his family take him back."

Lu Qianqian stared at Gu Youyou with resentful eyes, if Huang Xiangwen didn't see anything, she would be really stupid.

"Wait!" she said.

He got up again, put the child back into Lu Qianqian's hand, and walked away from the person who had been beaten with a black nose and a swollen face.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with Lu Qianqian?"

Jing Wen cracked his teeth in pain, but laughed triumphantly.

"What? Didn't Qianqian tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Huang Xiangwen turned around and asked Lu Qianqian.

Lu Qianqian's face was pale, her whole body was drenched with fright, and her arrogance was gone.

"No, it's nothing, I don't know him at all." Lu Qianqian gritted her teeth.

The scene in that room did not follow, and said angrily: "Lu Qianqian, I came here on a special trip to find you, and I beat you up, and you said you didn't know me? Well, well, you don't know me, then return my son to me." Me, you want to know whoever you want to know."

"What did you say?"

"What son?"

Huang Xiangwen and Gu Dabao were shocked at the same time.

Gu Youyou looked at the two of them sympathetically, feeling a little more guilty towards Gu Dabao.

(End of this chapter)

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