Chapter 522 Opening


Jin Zijin punched him, "It's none of my business for you to climb Mr. Niu's backyard wall, why are you climbing my yard wall...?"

"I... How could I have it? I climbed from Master Lin's house." Xiao Jinyan touched his nose, and it was bleeding.

Really ruthless.

Looking at Jin Zijin's dark face, he hurriedly explained: "I didn't do it on purpose, you know I just have this hobby of climbing walls in the middle of the night, and I originally went to Mrs. Liu's house, it's not a coincidence It happened that you were climbing the courtyard wall of Master Lin’s house. Hey... no, cousin, the state officials are only allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light lamps, so you are climbing the courtyard wall of Master Lin’s house too?”

... Jin Zijin really wanted to punch him again.

"Anyone can climb, but Mr. Lin's is not allowed."


Jishengtang opened, and because of Yue Rujing's management, it was very lively.

In the face of Yue Rujing and the Lin family, those who were familiar with them and those who were not familiar with them sent congratulatory gifts one after another, and the backyard was filled with congratulatory gifts.

Lin Qianqing was approved to help, she couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear, and soon became friends with those who came to give gifts.

"Cousin, your reputation as a miracle doctor has been resounding as soon as you opened the business. With the plaque bestowed by the emperor, this is a bright and blinding sign."

Gu Youyou looked up at the miracle doctor's plaque on Jishengtang, she almost wanted to tear out a bloody hole in Yue Rujing.

He actually got this brand behind her back, but he didn't get A Bao for her.

"With it, we don't have to advertise." Yue Rujing said.

Gu Youyou said unhappily: "Then you remember to go to the clinic early."

"That is that is!"

The opening was very smooth and lively. The guests who came that day were all guests who brought gifts, and there was no time for the clinic.

Gu Youyou didn't start seeing people until the next day.

The eldest cousin became her follower, every day when Gu Youyou went out, she would follow.For this reason, my aunt made a fuss.

She is a lady with old-fashioned thinking, and she can't stand her only daughter who doesn't learn well and shows up in public all day long.

As soon as the Queen's birthday is over, she and the other noble ladies will enter the palace to run for election. What if they get a bad reputation?

On one side is his wife and on the other is his old lady. Lin Xingyi said that his head is getting bigger.

Lin Qianqing was supported by the old lady, she supported Lin Qianqing to go out with Gu Youyou to gain knowledge, she said: "You shut them up all day, how many flowers do you think they embroidered? What's the point of being able to embroider and read?" Use? People say that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. If you don’t go out for a walk, how can you deal with all kinds of people? How can you survive in a place like the palace that eats people in the future?”

Lin Xingyi hurriedly said, "Mother makes sense."

Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Jin said: "A woman's lack of talent is virtue. The royal family pays more attention to women's virtue. Master, do you think there are princesses and concubines who show their faces outside? The eldest girl is the eldest daughter of our family. Helping in a pharmacy, how do you make the ladies in the capital think of me? Master, go and call the big girl back."

Lin Xingyi touched his nose and said, "Madam is right."

Seeing that the situation was not good for her, the old lady suddenly raised her head and let out a ouch.

"Old lady, what's the matter with you?"

Her exclamation immediately attracted the attention of other people in the room.

Lin Xingyi only had three children, two daughters and one son, but there were quite a few concubines, Yingying and Yanyan standing all over the room.

(End of this chapter)

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