It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 523 The matter in the backyard of the Lin family

Chapter 523 The matter in the backyard of the Lin family

Seeing that the old lady was not well, they were not in a hurry to show it.

The favored concubine muttered: "The old lady is angry, she must have a headache again."

"Mother, do you have a headache again?" Lin Xingyi asked hurriedly.

Mrs. Lin stomped her feet angrily and twisted her handkerchief, but she had no choice but to help the old lady.

"Mother, you are not in good health, so don't come out, go back to the house quickly."

"Chunsheng, hurry up and invite a doctor." Mrs. Lin ordered.

"Oh! There's no need to call a doctor." The old lady said weakly, "It's useless to ask a doctor for my problem. I have to do good deeds to accumulate virtue."

Do good deeds?

Everyone looked left and right, wondering what the old lady was going to do.

"The big girl went to the medical clinic to help, firstly to increase my knowledge, and secondly to help me do good deeds and accumulate virtue. If you don't let her go, my luck is not enough, and I won't live long..."

Everyone was dumbfounded, knowing that the old lady was playing tricks, but no one dared to refute.

Whoever refuses to let Lin Qianqing go to the medical clinic to do good deeds will not want her to live.

Mrs. Lin gritted her silver teeth and cursed inwardly for a whole day, and finally called the group of women in the backyard to scold them one by one before venting her anger.


Gu Youyou was feeding the mice in the backyard of the hospital, and they were caught by the servants of the Lin family.

Lin Qianqing expressed that she couldn't understand her cousin's hobby of feeding mice, and murmured: "I've seen someone who feeds cats and dogs, cousin, and it's the first time I see someone who raises mice to play with. You really are different from ordinary people."

Gu Youyou didn't explain why she kept mice, she just smiled and said: "These few are not enough, you can find someone to get me some more, don't want the big ones, only half-sized ones like this."

Lin Qianqing: "..."

"I heard that my aunt is not in a good mood these days?"

Lin Qianqing's eyes flashed, and she said, "Ah, did you see that too?" She loved to gossip about other people's family, and she also liked to gossip about her own family.

"Because of me, I'm angry with grandma."

She moved a stool and sat beside Gu Youyou, watching her feed the mice.

"I haven't told you about our family yet. Now that you are being favored by grandma, it's good to tell you so that you won't be fooled."

"Well, tell me." Gu Youyou poked the little mouse with a stick.

"My father, together with my mother, married a total of fifteen wives and concubines, three died, and now there are twelve more, but only three can give birth to children. Guess what happened?"

Gu Youyou was taken aback, she never expected that Lin Qianqing would tell her these things.

Lin Qianqing lowered her voice, and said: "Actually, my father is not a lustful person. These wives and concubines were either given by the emperor or sent by the adults in the court. He can't refuse, and he can't refuse, so he accepts them all. Hey, I know a secret, don't look at my father's wives and concubines, but he lives alone in the study most of the time, and in recent years, he occasionally goes to Aunt Qiu's house for a night."

Gu Youyou: "...that uncle is really... pure-hearted and ascetic."

A niece is also drunk when she comes to talk about her uncle.

Lin Qianqing laughed and said, "We don't have concubines who are particularly favored in our family, so their status is naturally related to their family background.

well!Who told my mother to be the lady of the Duke's mansion, she also has a cousin who is the queen, not to mention that she only gave birth to my daughter, even if she didn't have any, no one can threaten her status, unless the Duke The government collapsed. "

"That's true." Gu Youyou laughed dryly.

Lin Qianqing was complacent enough, and said to Gu Youyou in a low voice: "Because my mother has some opinions on you, cousin, you have to find a way to get on good terms with my mother, otherwise she will cheat you openly and secretly."

(End of this chapter)

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