527 - Two Saints

"Make a decision before moving, what to be afraid of, just take your time." Gu Youyou said.

Although she didn't quite understand how complicated their national teacher's promotion system and the unspoken rules behind it were, she was someone who had fought in the mall after all.

In my previous life, I fought for power and profit with my second uncle's family, have I experienced all kinds of house fights with them?When she was young, her grandfather taught her to know how to forbear and hide clumsiness. She has been a coward for many years, but she didn't blindly avoid and do nothing, but secretly did a lot on her back, so that Finally give them a fatal blow.

So from Gu Youyou's point of view, she is not afraid of forbearance, she is the best at forbearance.

So when Lin Qianqing mentioned that her aunt might trip her up, she was even a little excited.

Gu Youyou's indifferent attitude made Jin Zijin relax a bit.Gently tapped her forehead across the table, and said, "You, I really don't know what's in your head, and how is it different from ordinary girls?"

Now that he was talking about this, Gu Youyou also spoke bluntly. She lowered her voice and said, "You can use me as a man." After finishing speaking, she felt that these words were inappropriate, and said, "Or I'm an ally, anyway, I'm not the kind of housewife who needs your protection."

Speaking of this, she felt that this might be an exaggeration, because people in this feudal society have no bottom line, and killing someone is just killing at will. Those methods in modern times cannot be unreasonable in this world where they only talk about status and fists. Local use, otherwise there will be no such saying that a scholar meets a soldier, and the words that cannot be explained clearly have been passed down through the ages.

She wrinkled for a while again with a sad face, and when her expression changed, she didn't even realize that a large ink smear fell off the tip of the pen.

Jin Zijin smiled, took the pen from her hand, and hung it on the pen holder.

"Ah...? Oops..." Gu Youyou saw a large piece of paper smeared with black ink, and cried out helplessly: "I've been writing for a long time, it's a pity. But it's okay, I remember in my mind, Write another one."

She took out another useless piece of paper, but Jin Zijin held down her hand.

"Stop writing and talk to me," he said.

Gu Youyou blinked, it was the first time for them to talk while sitting on both sides of the table, and they usually discuss things under the covers.

The lonely man and the widow are lying in the bed and just chatting in the same room. They have persisted for so long, and they are really drunk.

They all have the potential to become saints.

"Well, are you going to tell me what you're doing?" Gu Youyou said, "Don't say it yet, wait until I say it, and then you can think about how much you want to say to me after I finish talking."

Jin Zijin has such a temperament, she has to withhold the little things in her stomach and he spits out a little bit, she is too cautious, and she is a bit machismo.Forget it, no one is perfect, if he doesn't even have this defect, he will really become a saint.

"Say it!" Jin Zijin made a gesture of invitation to him.

"As for me, hey, let me ask you first, how much do you believe in my past life and present life?" Gu Youyou lay on the table and stretched her neck to look at him.

"You want to talk about the past?" Jin Zijin frowned.

He told her not to mention it again, it is best to keep this secret in her stomach, not to say it, and not to say it.

"It's just the two of us, don't you be afraid!" Gu Youyou knew what he was worried about.

Jin Zijin swept his long sleeves, turned off the light, fished Gu Youyou into the inner room, and threw him on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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