It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 528: I Can Participate in the Inheritance War

Chapter 528: I Can Participate in the Inheritance War

Uh... This is the rhythm of chatting under the quilt again?
"Wait for me!" Pressing Gu Youyou into the bed, he went out again.

After a while, he came back, took off his clothes and went to bed.

Gu Youyou knew that he was going to give Xiang Toon a sleeping point, she said: "Are you still worried about my medicine?"

"Be safe," he said.

As soon as the big heater came, Gu Youyou couldn't help but squeeze against him, her cool hands were wrapped in his big hands, she couldn't help but sigh how warm it was...

"Actually, I don't say anything, I just want to tell you that I'm not as weak as you think. Well, I admit that when you first met me, I was a delicate flower that was tortured to death..."

"The point is, don't move your legs." Jin Zijin pressed down on her restless legs, almost pressing on the wrong place.

When he was with her, he had to talk about something serious in order to distract him, but her restless movements and words such as "delicacy and destruction" made him want to think in a wrong way.

"I just want to say that I also participated in the Inheritance War."

"What? You..." Jin Zijin squeezed her hand tightly in shock, and Gu Youyou cried out in pain.

"Why are you so excited. Mmm, about the same as Duoyi, and your situation is about the same. Being a national teacher is the same as being a monarch. I understand those unspoken rules."


She doesn't understand.

Jin Zijin asked her almost hoarsely, "Tell me about your experience."

"Hey! The situation in my family is quite complicated. How should I put it? I have some money and some power. I am the only daughter of my parents, so I should inherit what my parents left behind. But they died early. At that time, I... Coincidentally, I was just like Like Gu Youyou in Lianhua Village, I was six or seven years old at the time. My father had younger brothers and sisters, and they were unwilling to let such a big family fall on me, a little girl. Before I became an adult, they tried their best to kill me. Taking advantage of my parents' passing away and my grandfather being hit and in poor health, I divided up the rights to the long house, which put the family business in jeopardy.

I grew up in that environment, while stabilizing the family business, and at the same time taking back what they took away bit by bit.You see, I survived such a situation. Maybe I can help you with the big things you are going to do, right? "

Jin Zijin's eyes were very complicated, and he looked at her for a long time.

It took so long that Gu Youyou lost his patience.

"Alas!" She sighed, and said, "You are just such an old man, let's forget about it, I am happy to be free."

"No, Yoyo..." He stroked her face, rubbed it gently with his rough fingertips, and whispered, "That's how you grew up." He didn't look down on her, he just felt sorry for her.

If it's pitiful for another Gu Youyou to be locked up in a dark room and raised in captivity, what about her?The little girl grew up tremblingly under the shadow of swords and swords, in open and secret battles.

With her seemingly relaxed few words, he almost saw countless dangers in the open and in the dark, which once threatened her life. She had no parents to protect her, and she could only save herself.

So she knows so much and knows so many things that ordinary people don't know?
How terrified is a girl when she holds a knife and cuts through someone else's body?She is stronger than he imagined, so she can be calm.

"You're better than me," he said.

(End of this chapter)

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