Chapter 530 My Life Experience
She was right, this metaphor successfully adjusted the heavy atmosphere.

Press down her raised head, and press down her restless legs, firmly pressing down, holding her down, and not tossing her again until the adjustment is satisfactory to him.

"What are you doing?" Too tight, she protested.

"It's going to be very windy tonight," he explained.

Nonsense, the moon is obviously good tonight.

But she didn't poke him.

"You told about your past, let me tell you about mine too," he said.

Jin Zijin's past?Gu Youyou raised her eyes slightly, feeling a little nervous.

It's not that she has no guesses about his identity, but those guesses are just guesses, and they can't be taken as real.

"Tell me, I'll listen, even if it's a cat or a dog, I don't dislike you."

He smiled and said, "I just like your state of mind, and you know how to decompress yourself."

She grew up in that environment, wouldn't she be able to live such a big life without decompression?

"It's easy to talk, don't waste your time, talk quickly."

"Well! Let me tell you a story first, maybe you..."

Gu Youyou yawned, she was really sleepy, she said: "Don't tell the story, I'll tell your story later. Just tell me, who are you? What does it have to do with Jin Ziyuan, the royal family, and, What do you want to do. Only when you explain it clearly, I will know what to do."

Jin Zijin: "..." She was really direct.

Seeing that it was getting late, he nodded slightly.

"Didn't you know Jin Ziyuan's identity a long time ago? He was the only son of the third prince back then. He and I are...cousins. I should call the person who jumped off the cliff Third Uncle."

"Oh...?" Then he died because of you?

"It was an accident that day, and I never thought of killing him." Jin Zijin said with a wry smile, "My relationship with the royal family..." He paused, and said, "Have you heard of the eldest princess?"

Gu Youyou nodded and said, "I heard from my eldest cousin that she married into the Xiao family."

"That's right." Jin Zijin's voice was low, as if he was talking to himself, "She used my identity, the princess concubine back then gave birth to a son..."


It wasn't the first day that Lin Qianqing followed Gu Youyou to raise mice and snakes, but every time she came into contact with these things, she still felt apprehensive.

There's no way, who made my cousin have this quirk, it's really a disgusting habit.

"Hey, what kind of grass is this?"

Lin Qianqing saw some strange grass in Gu Youyou's basket. She thought she had good knowledge, but she had never seen such grass.

Ice blue, cold to the touch.

"Be careful." Seeing Lin Qianqing picking up a plant, Gu Youyou hurriedly snatched the basket containing the Youying grass, and said, "This thing is poisonous, you must not touch it carelessly."

To say that Yue Rujing has some skills, she got these things for her in just ten days, but there are a few plants missing, three plants.

Of course, Gu Youyou didn't say this in front of Yue Rujing, for fear of making him angry.

"What did my cousin do with the poisonous weeds?" Lin Qianqing withdrew her hand, but kept her eyes on the beautiful weeds.

Gu Youyou said indifferently: "The medicine is three-point poisonous, and the herb is also a poisonous herb, but this kind of medicine is special. You, take care of your own life, just remember not to move around."

"Oh!" Lin Qianqing watched Gu Youyou mash the medicinal materials into the medicine jar, and after a while, squeezed out some blue medicinal juice.

Then, she began to put some messy herbs into the pot and make a concoction.

"Cousin, what kind of medicine are you doing?"

She felt that it was a pity that such a beautiful grass was chopped up.

(End of this chapter)

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