Chapter 531
"Poison!" Gu Youyou said bluntly.

Lin Qianqing swallowed.

It is said that doctors save people, but my cousin is special. She is also a poison doctor, not only saving people, but also harming people.

And when he talked about his erratic expression when making poison, he seemed very calm.

You can't discuss this topic with her. She is not a doctor, so I don't want to learn from her.

"I can't come tomorrow, Qin Yun and Ji Li, I have to go."

"Qin Yun?" Gu Youyou heard the name sound familiar.

"Yes, Xie Qinyun, I introduced you when I went to see Plum Blossoms last time, Zuo Zongzheng is the daughter of Mr. Xie's family. She is the youngest daughter of Mr. Xie and the only daughter of Mr. Xie's family. The relationship is the best."

"Master Xie!" Gu Youyou read a sentence in a low voice, and then remembered what Jin Zijin said to her the day before yesterday, about Mr. Xie's back house.

Lin Qianqing is a person who likes to inquire about the gossip of various officials, so it is very appropriate to tell her these things.

Gu Youyou casually pounded herbs while asking casually: "I also want to join in the fun, if I go, is it suitable?"

Lin Qianqing was naturally eager to take Gu Youyou with her.

"It's suitable, of course it's suitable. I also wanted to invite my cousin to go with me, but seeing that you are so busy, I thought you didn't have time to go, so I didn't say anything."

"I can't be so busy all the time, I have to rest too." Gu Youyou said with a sneer.

"Yes, that's right."

Gu Youyou seemed worried again and said: "Then tell me, is there any taboo in going to their house?"

Finally got to the point.

"What taboos are there? It's similar to our family, you can just follow me, I know their family very well. But..." Lin Qianqing suddenly stopped, feeling a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Gu Youyou had a hunch that this was what she wanted to hear.

"Oh, their family!" Lin Qianqing sighed, and said in a low voice, "When you go, remember, the second sister-in-law from their family is not her second brother's serious wife, but her second brother's concubine, that woman It's not good, if she calls you, don't talk, I'll deal with her, if you see her alone, just stay away from her."

Gu Youyou nodded, and said: "We are going to celebrate Miss Qinyun's wedding ceremony, and we don't have any dealings with her. How can you really meet her?"

"That shameless woman." Lin Qianqing snorted, and said: "You don't know, there is a rule in their ancestors of the Xie family that men only marry one wife and cannot have concubines. Mr. Xie's wife, Mr. Xie's wife passed away. They didn't remarry, but that shameless woman didn't know what kind of ecstasy drug was given to Second Young Master Xie, so she forced Second Young Master Xie to break the family rules and marry in as a concubine.

If you want to marry, you can marry, and she always squeezes out her sister, so that her sister has been grounded by the second young master for many years. There are only these two mistresses in Zuo Zongzheng's mansion. Her sister was grounded, so naturally she came out to welcome guests.Hmph, the more you don't want to see her, she still clings to people, she's a concubine, don't we concubines lower our status by going to concubines?Well now, I heard that she presided over Qin Yun's Jiji ceremony this time, and many concubines said they wanted to go, but they don't want to go now, but Qin Yun is so angry! "

Gu Youyou pounded the concoction and listened carefully, as if she had heard some tricks, she smiled slightly and poured out the concoction.

(End of this chapter)

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