Chapter 532

"Then Mr. Xie doesn't care?"

Lin Qianqing sighed: "It's not easy to take care of it, it can be taken care of once or every time, it's a matter in the son's room. Mr. Xie, I can just stroke my beard and sigh, alas, if the wife is still alive OK."

Lin Qianqing imitated Mr. Xie and stroked his beard. As she spoke, both of them laughed.

Just listening to this story gives me a headache, and thinking about it, Mr. Xie is also annoyed and can't control it.

Gu Youyou filtered all the mashed medicinal juice with gauze, and then saw her take a drop of the medicinal juice from the blue grass before, and put it into a small saucer. There was still some black juice in the saucer. The medicine juice was put together, and after that, she even took the poisoned juice and fed it to the rats she carefully tested.

God, what the hell is she trying to do?
"Cousin, this is poison!" Lin Qianqing's eyes widened in shock.

"I know!" Gu Youyou replied calmly.

"Then why do you give it back to the rats? They will be poisoned to death."

"No." Gu Youyou seriously fed each mouse some, and said, "It will be poisoned, but it won't die. I take a small amount."

At this time, Yue Rujing came in with a jade box, she was shocked when she saw this situation, but after thinking about it, she seemed to understand something.

He shook his head and sighed: "It's useless. If I had known that you asked me to find these things for this purpose, I wouldn't have looked for them for you. It was a waste of my time."

Gu Youyou paused for a moment, and it was rare that she didn't push it back.

She didn't know if this would be useful, this is the method of extracting serum, no one has used this method to make serum in this era, and the poison is not an ordinary poison, it is a voodoo poison.

Gu Youyou turned her head to Lin Qianqing and said, "Go out for a while, I'm going to feed the snakes later, and you're afraid of this thing, and I'll scare you later."

Lin Qianqing shrank her neck and glanced at the dark cage, then hurriedly withdrew.

"Okay, I'll go outside to help, cousin, you have to be careful, you have a poisonous snake unique to the north, one bite and you will die."

"Well, I see, let's go."

After Lin Qianqing came out of the backyard, Yue Rujing smiled lowly, walked loosely, and said, "What are you going to say to me? And send your cousin out."

"She's afraid of snakes." Gu Youyou said.

"Oh, an excuse."

"Then what do you think I want to tell you?" Gu Youyou said angrily.

While she was talking, she went to bring the cage of the poisonous snake next to her. This snake looks strange, its whole body is silver and white, it doesn't hibernate in winter, but you can't see them in summer. People here call it ice snake.

"You really want to feed the snake?" Yue Rujing asked in surprise.

He reached out and shook the jade box in his hand again, and said, "Don't you ask me what I brought you first?"

Gu Youyou put the cage on the table tiredly, and said, "I'll ask later, please do me a favor first."

"Let me feed you?" Yue Rujing shifted her gaze to the ice snake and shuddered.

He is also afraid of snakes!
Of course, he was afraid that Gu Youyou would laugh at him, so he didn't say anything.

Gu Youyou shook her head, "I won't let you feed it for me."

Yue Rujing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Help me get the venom out of its fangs."

Yue Rujing almost fell down.

What is this woman up to?Take the venom from the fangs of vipers?What's the difference between that and pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth?
" stop joking, this joke is not funny at all!"

You still let me feed it.

(End of this chapter)

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