Chapter 533

"I'm not kidding." Gu Youyou was a little tired. The development of antidote made her physically and mentally exhausted, and she was not in the mood to fight with him.

Seeing that she really didn't look like she was joking, Yue Rujing was even more frightened, he said in surprise, "You really want to take it?"

Obviously, Gu Youyou nodded.

"This thing is the most venomous snake in Zhuzhao Kingdom. Being bitten by it is no joke. You must die, you know?"

"I know." Gu Youyou nodded again, "That's why I need your help, I'm afraid it's too dangerous to be alone, last time I was taking its poison, I was almost bitten by it."

Yue Rujing froze on the spot, the corner of her mouth twitched, and then twitched again, she was almost stupid.

She really took it, and did it by herself?
Yue Rujing put down the jade box, closed her eyes, and with the determination of a strong man to die, rolled up her sleeves to catch the snake.

"How to do it?" God knows how fast his heart beats. Damn woman, what's wrong with tossing, but tossing the poisonous snake.

The most terrible thing is that the senior brother asked him to support Gu Youyou unconditionally.

No, it's too dangerous to go to my brother later and have to tell him about it.

If you don't get bitten by a snake this time, you won't be bitten next time.

Gu Youyou picked up a bottle containing venom, and said, "Just grab it, I'll open its mouth to get the poison."

This snake doesn't look big, and an adult is only as thick as a chopstick.It's just that its body was icy and cold, and Gu Youyou couldn't bear the biting coldness of holding it, and the snake's strength was not weak, and it was slippery, so Yue Rujing was asked to help.

Yue Rujing took several deep breaths before mustering up the courage to catch the snake.

That hand was shaking so much that Gu Youyou couldn't stand it anymore.

"Don't shake your hands, it's just poisonous, not ferocious."

"Who... who shivered? I'm just a little cold."

Gu Youyou was too lazy to argue with him, she was stubborn, she could see that Yue Rujing was a little scared.

That's right, as for poisonous snakes, even Yue Rujing is a little afraid.

"It's very docile, as long as you don't hurt it, it won't bite you." Gu Youyou had no choice but to comfort her patiently.

"Hmph, are snakes still docile?" Yue Rujing said angrily.

Seeing that it was rare for Gu Youyou not to laugh at himself, he mustered up the courage to grab the ice snake again.

The snake's body was bitingly cold, and he instantly understood why Gu Youyou didn't take it by himself, and asked him to help.

Seeing Yue Rujing grab the poisonous snake, Gu Youyou hurriedly took out a pair of chopsticks and put a piece of frozen meat into its mouth, and the poisonous snake immediately opened its mouth wide to bite the thing on her chopsticks.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Youyou hurriedly stuffed the prepared small bottle into its mouth, and stretched out his hand to hold its head.

The sudden fright made the poisonous snake instinctively put the poisonous water in its teeth and spit it out all at once. Seeing that it was almost done, Gu Youyou put away the bottle in satisfaction.

"Okay, you put it back."

Seeing that Yue Rujing didn't move, Gu Youyou raised her head to look at him. Seeing that Yue Rujing was closing her eyes, with a look of death on her face, she burst out laughing.

"You're so scared, it's just for you to practice your courage."

"Ah? You still laugh at me when I help you?" Yue Rujing opened her eyes, staring at Gu Youyou with blushing cheeks.

It's a shame, but she still saw it.

Gu Youyou let go of the snake's head, signaling Yue Rujing to put the poisonous snake back into the cage.

But at this moment, the poisonous snake who had been dizzy by them just now turned its head suddenly, and took a bite towards Yue Rujing's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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