Chapter 539

Gu Youyou would risk his life to save him, exceeding his expectations.

"Who is it, stop!" It was two Taoist guards who stopped the carriage.

The carriage stopped, her body leaned forward due to inertia, and Yue Rujing, who was wandering in the sky, also came back to her senses.

Ignoring Lin Qianqing's resentful and fearful eyes, he raised the curtain of the carriage, and said to the Taoist boy outside, "It's me, get out of the way."

The two Taoist boys were slightly startled, and hurriedly raised their hands in a bow, "Second senior brother, this carriage..."

"Get out of the way, are you responsible for delaying the business?" Yue Rujing was always gentle, and the disciples of Tianzong knew it.But when he said these few words, he was furious like never before. His voice was as deep as iron, and every word and every word carried an unspeakable hostility.

It was the first time seeing the gentle second senior brother speak in such a tone, the two Taoist boys didn't dare to say anything, and hurried out of the way.

The coachman drove the carriage directly into the Taoist temple, and did not stop until the carriage could no longer move forward.

Sitting alone in the hall, Jin Zijin was surprised to hear the horseshoe man from outside.

Who dares to bring the carriage in?Even the emperor would not disrespect the Taoist holy land so much.

"What's going on outside?" Jin Zijin was asking the Taoist boy guarding outside the hall, when the vermilion door was kicked open just as he finished speaking.

Jin Zijin frowned and raised his head, watching Yue Rujing approaching with the unconscious Gu Youyou in his arms, with an expression of unprecedented fear and bewilderment.

Lin Qianqing followed in, panting heavily.

She ran in after him.

"What's wrong?" Jin Zijin quickly stepped forward and took Gu Youyou over, his hands were cold, and seeing her expression, he had already guessed the reason.

Yue Rujing knelt down with a plop, her face full of grief and remorse.

"Senior brother, it's all my fault. I was accidentally bitten by an ice snake, and Gu Youyou took the poison for me."

It's useless to take drugs in time after the ice snake bites, Jin Zijin didn't care about how Yue Rujing lived well, but immediately carried Gu Youyou into the inner hall.

"Hey, cousin..." Before she could catch her breath, Lin Qianqing saw her cousin being carried away by a Taoist priest in white, but no one could see clearly, and the other party didn't say a word, how could she feel relieved?Hurry to catch up.

Yue Rujing's exertion had also reached its limit, and her hands and feet began to collapse, but she still held Lin Qianqing at the last moment.

"Don't go in, that's my senior brother, he will save her. I can't hold it anymore, I have to rest for a while. You watch the door carefully and don't let anyone in."

Yue Rujing sat paralyzed on the ground and couldn't get up again.

Not long after the toxin on his body took effect with Gu Youyou's injection of serum, his body was very weak, and just now he exploded with potential to bring Gu Youyou to senior brother's place, exhausting all his strength.

He fell to the ground, panting heavily.Lin Qianqing was worried about Gu Youyou, but she couldn't ignore Yue Rujing, so she could only get him down first.

"Yue Shizi, I offended you." She is a serious lady, although she is different from ordinary ladies, after all, it is not good to directly touch the body of a strange man, so she greets first.

Lin Qianqing took great pains to drag Yue Rujing to the plinth, and after a while, Yue Rujing fell into a deep sleep.


The blood vessels on the wrist were cut open, and the bright red blood flowed into a stream.

After a while, a large bowl was full.

Jin Zijin's hands were trembling, he had never been so flustered.

He simply stopped the bleeding for himself, then picked up Gu Youyou, and fed her the bowl of freshly baked blood.

(End of this chapter)

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