Chapter 540 Waking Up

Because she had been drinking that medicine for many years, her ice snake venom would be different from others, so she is only alive now.

But the cold poison in her body deepened, which was not a good thing.

All the medicines in recent years have been in vain, and Gu Youyou at this moment is the same as when he first met her, as icy and bone-chilling.

He drank his own blood for her back then, and this time he had to use his blood to suppress the toxicity.

A bowl of blood was fed in, and a few drops of blood hung on the corner of her mouth. Jin Zijin gently wiped it clean for her with his white sleeve.

After a while, he sighed softly: "I thought you and Ah Jing were not fighting each other, but I didn't expect that you would save him at a critical moment, regardless of your own safety. Yoyo, thank you."

Ever since Yue Tingfang left Yue Rujing by his side, their lives have been linked together.If Yue Rujing was really bitten to death by a poisonous snake, he would not be able to explain to Yue Tingfang.

He already owed their Yue family too much, how dare he owe more.

Take off the clothes on her body, and use her own body temperature to let her body recover slowly, much faster than using the stove.

The sun was setting and it was getting late.

Lin Qianqing was worried and afraid as she watched the sky getting darker and darker.

Yue Rujing was still asleep, her cousin hadn't come out, and there was no movement in the room.

Seeing that they didn't come out so late, the family members probably sent someone to the medical center to look for them, right?After a while, it is estimated that they will find here.

It was such a mess, and I didn't know how to explain it to my family.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door.

Lin Qianqing was startled, and hurriedly got up to deal with it.

"what's up?"

Dao Tong outside said: "But Miss Lin is inside?"

Lin Qianqing was slightly startled, and knew what was going on in just a moment.

I was really afraid that something would come, and the family members came here.

"Yes." she replied.

Daotong said: "Miss Lin, the housekeeper Qiu from the Lin residence is here, look at this..."

"I see. Tell Steward Qiu to wait a moment and cousin is ill and is currently being treated."

This is also a way to procrastinate for a while. Butler Qiu dare not barge in, but when he brings the news back home, grandma will be worried.

It's okay that my cousin is fine, what if something happens to me?
She felt that she lost a bunch of hair in just one afternoon.

Time passed like a snail, and the people inside still didn't come out, and Yue Rujing continued to fall asleep.

She looked at Yue Rujing, turned up the fire in the stove, and added another quilt for him.

The ice snake is very poisonous and cold, she hesitated again and again, but stretched out her hand to test Yuerujing's body temperature.

Warm and hot, I think the snake venom in his body is no longer a serious problem, otherwise it should be icy cold.

"Shizi Yue." Lin Qianqing tried to call him.

There was no response, and a moment later, she pushed him again.

"My son, the moon is like a mirror!"

It was already dark at night, Lin Qianqing went to hold the lamp in her hand, and looked at the moon like a mirror with the faint light.

The eyelashes fluttered slightly, as if he was about to wake up.

Just wake up, she was nervous for several hours, and finally she breathed a sigh of relief.

Yue Rujing slowly opened his eyes, and saw the girl holding the lamp in front of him.

"Are you awake?" Lin Qianqing asked in surprise.

Her head hurt a little, Yue Rujing supported her forehead and sat up.

Look carefully, and then you can see the person in front of you clearly.

"You're still there!" He looked at the sky, then shook his head again, "How long have I been asleep?"

"It's been about three hours." Lin Qianqing said.

(End of this chapter)

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