It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 541 Raised snakes, worms and ants

Chapter 541 Raised snakes, worms and ants
"It's been more than three hours?" Yue Rujing was stunned, and hurriedly looked towards the apse, asking, "Have they come out yet?"

"No." Lin Qianqing bit her lip with worry on her face.

"Is my cousin okay? Shall we go in and see?"

"No, I can't go to see it." Yue Rujing resolutely refused.

He looked outside, it was really getting late, Lin Qianqing was not easy to stay with a boudoir.

He said: "I'll take you back first, and leave your cousin alone, she is a sick child, saving her life is the most important thing, you just explain it to the family. It's okay to let her stay here overnight!"

Lin Qianqing didn't think this was good, but Yue Rujing was right, saving lives was the most important thing, so it didn't matter what was proper or not.

She nodded and said, "Okay then, I'll go back first."

The two of them have to go back and deal with it first.

Sanqing watched, Steward Qiu waited outside, seeing Lin Qianqing coming out, he hurriedly greeted her.

One came out, but the other one didn't come out, the housekeeper hurriedly asked, "Where's Miss Biao?"

Yue Rujing was the first to explain to her: "Your cousin is ill. She is very ill. She seems to be possessed by a witch. My senior brother is doing a magic trick for her."

Lin Qianqing looked at Yue Rujing who was talking nonsense without changing her face.

Grandma believed her cousin's old troubles, but grandma never believed in witchcraft. It's strange that she believed this explanation.

Grandmother didn't know whether she believed it or not, but it seemed that Steward Qiu believed it. He cupped his hands and thanked: "Thank you, Mr. Yue, then we will leave it to you, my cousin."

Just kidding, Gu Youyou was picked up by Butler Qiu, what doesn't he know?
Yue Rujing breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was Butler Qiu who came. He is a smart man and I believe he can explain the past.


It wasn't until dawn that Gu Youyou slowly woke up.

She moved slightly, and Jin Zijin knew it.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

Gu Youyou rubbed her forehead, and said, "I feel like I'm back before liberation, and I feel powerless."

This physical condition is like returning to before liberation. I didn't expect the venom to be so powerful.

Fortunately, the poison in the snake's fangs was released first, otherwise it would be a real threat to life.

Gu Youyou found a medicine bottle from his pocket, took out two pills, put them in his mouth and ate them.

She did it herself, and it took a lot of effort.

With this thing, she can get well soon, and she doesn't have to lie in bed all day like before liberation.

Seeing her getting better gradually, Jin Zijin heaved a sigh of relief.

"I heard from Ah Jing that you raised some snakes, insects, rats and ants before. I didn't pay much attention to it. I didn't expect that the snakes you raised were ice snakes."

Gu Youyou looked at Jin Zijin, seeing that there was something wrong with his seemingly ordinary appearance, he was obviously angry for doing such a dangerous thing, so she thought about making peace.

"Where is there?" Gu Youyou smiled indifferently and said, "I raised a few snakes, and I also raised a lot of mice. I didn't raise bugs and ants. It's cold now, and these things are not easy to raise. I I plan to raise some centipedes when the weather gets warmer."

"You raise these things for the purpose of developing antidote?"

The weather is no longer so cold, and the house is very warm with the earth dragon burning.

Gu Youyou sat up, and said to Jin Zijin very seriously: "Yes, develop an antidote. Now I just have some clues, and I won't give up no matter what you say."

Now that it was brought up, she took it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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