It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 542 Are You Drugging A Jing?

Chapter 542 Are You Drugging A Jing?

"But this ice snake you raised..." Jin Zijin was a little excited, but seeing her pale face, his voice came back abruptly, and finally he sighed and said: "Forget it, just raise it, and follow her!" Let me tell you how Ah Jing was bitten by a snake?"

As far as he knows, although this kind of snake is highly poisonous, it generally does not bite people actively, and its temperament is very gentle.And Ah Jing might not take the initiative to provoke this poisonous snake, so why was he bitten?
"Well..." Gu Youyou felt very guilty that Yue Rujing was bitten by a snake.

But the bites were all bitten, and people were saved, so I have to give an explanation.

"I asked him to help me get the snake venom, and then accidentally...that's it." Gu Youyou felt guilty, her voice became smaller and smaller, and Jin Zijin was speechless after hearing the explanation.

The ice snake is extremely poisonous, and everyone in the north knows it.

However, because this kind of snake has a gentle temperament and does not actively bite people, not many people are poisoned to death after being bitten by this poisonous snake.

But who would be stupid enough to take the initiative to provoke such a poisonous ice snake?Also take snake venom?
"Is it necessary?" Jin Zijin asked with suppressed anger.

"Yes." Gu Youyou nodded, and said, "This kind of snake venom is in the medicine I drink. To develop an antidote, you must have it."

"Okay!" Jin Zijin sighed for a long time, and said, "A Jing is afraid of snakes, so don't ask him for help in the future, come to me."

"Huh?" Gu Youyou raised her head.

"In the future, I will raise the ice snake. I will help you raise it, and I will help you get the snake venom."

Gu Youyou shook her head and said, "No, it's too dangerous, I'll do it myself."

"It's not dangerous for you to come?"

"No, I know the first aid method. If I am poisoned, I will cure the poison, but if you are accidentally bitten by it, and I am not around... This kind of snake venom attacks very quickly, do you need first aid!"

"You have a solution?" Jin Zijin thought of Yue Rujing who was bitten by a snake and was alive and well, "Then why did you only save Ah Jing, and almost died of poison yourself?"

Gu Youyou said: "Unfortunately, I only made one copy of the antidote and used it for Yue Rujing."

"You... You gave him a share? Then you put your own safety at risk?" Jin Zijin was so excited that he pressed her shoulder with great strength.

She really knows how to be self-sacrificing, even if this person is Ah Jing.

Of course, if he encountered such a choice, it would be very painful.

Gu Youyou's shoulders hurt a lot from him, so she explained helplessly: "This was an accident, don't get excited. It wasn't so dangerous in the first place, as long as you clean the wound in time, and then use my medicine. But unfortunately , Yue Rujing was unlucky, the ice snake happened to bite his heart, and he didn't cooperate when he was cleaning him. He kept pulling some clothes and pushing me, causing the venom to spread too fast. The wound was too close to the heart, and... Hey, what are you doing?"

Gu Youyou never expected that her professional explanation not only did not calm Jin Zijin down, but angered him instead.

Jin Zijin, who was furious and angry, pushed her back on the bed, biting her hateful red lips for a long time before calming down.

How could he not know that she was a doctor, and she did what she did to save lives.

But why don't other doctors do that kind of surgery like her?Give Ah Jing drugs?
No one can suck it, and neither can Ah Jing.

How can she still have the slightest bit of woman's reserve in her appearance?

How could he fall in love with such a woman? The shitty things he did all day long are not bad enough.

(End of this chapter)

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