Chapter 543 Let's Change Together

Let go of her, seeing her gasping for breath, with a panicked expression on her face, but her mouth was still choked up: "That's for saving lives, I'm a doctor, I would do the same thing if I were someone else. You don't have to..."

Jin Zijin gouged her fiercely, and said angrily in a low voice, "You won't be able to see male patients in the future."

"...That won't work, I can't discriminate against sex." Gu Youyou shrank her neck, but she refused decisively.

"Then you want to be a woman in the back house? Like your aunt?"

"What do you mean?"

"You want me to keep you in captivity, find a bunch of people to watch you, and not let you go out?"

I go……

Gu Youyou frowned, "Don't say this is my future life, don't joke about it."

"So you have to be obedient."

"Listen to that!" Gu Youyou swears angrily. "Anyone who dares to put me in jail will poison him, and so will you."

Gu Youyou is not an ordinary woman, Jin Zijin knows it.He said that just to scare her, not to mean that he really wanted to do this to him.

It can be seen from Gu Youyou's reaction, it is obvious that she was not frightened.He looked at her face, unable to smile.

"You are so ruthless." Well, he gave in, "You can cure diseases, but you can't, you should understand what I mean, you have to know how to avoid suspicion. You are not the only one in the medical clinic, and you can ask other people to do it when necessary. "

Gu Youyou was silent for a while, but she actually knew that what Jin Zijin said made sense.

It is difficult for her to change some of the tempers she has developed in modern times, not to mention the thoughts of Jin Zijin, an ancient man.

In fact, he is willing to let go, which is considered very enlightened.

"Okay, I promise you."

Two people want to live together in the future, you can't just ask the other party to change to the way you want, you can't always let the other party come to you, but you should learn to tolerate each other.

Only by paying together and making progress together can their relationship become more and more harmonious.

This is what an elder said to a girlfriend who had conflicts in the newlyweds, and she always remembered it.


Today, Gu Youyou's condition is not good, but she still thinks about what Jin Zijin told her before, so she still insists on attending Miss Zuo Zongzheng's wedding ceremony with Lin Qianqing.

In the carriage, Lin Qianqing was both happy and worried, "Cousin, are you okay? If it's really impossible, let's not go, and I won't go either."

"How can I do that? Didn't you say that Miss Xie is your good friend?"

"Yeah!" Lin Qianqing began to struggle again, twisting her handkerchief with her hands, and said, "I told you yesterday, because of the second sister-in-law who is a concubine in her family, many of the first daughters in the family don't want to go. Her wedding ceremony is so important, but it may be unsatisfactory. I used to have a good relationship with Qinyun, if I don't even go, she..."

"That's right." Gu Youyou patted the back of her hand, and said: "Since you treat someone as a friend, you should naturally support him when he is most distressed."

"But you..."

"I'm fine, I'm taking medicine."

Seeing Gu Youyou's insistence, Lin Qianqing could only nod her head, thinking that she should go back early.

The girls' ceremony is a major event, but the guests are all ladies and ladies. Except for the elders of the same clan, men from other clans do not participate in the girls' ceremony.

Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing got off the carriage in front of Lord Xie's mansion, handed over a sticker, and were led into the courtyard by the maids.

After entering the backyard, he saw a young woman in rich clothes coming up to her.

(End of this chapter)

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