Chapter 547

This is the sorrow of ancient women. No matter what your status is, it doesn't matter what your wife is, if you lose the favor of a man, you will end up like this.

Lin Qianqing sighed: "I heard that Mr. Xie stood up for her a few times, sometimes Qin Yun couldn't stand it, and also stood up for her, but after all, it's people other than their husband and wife, so it's not good to participate too much."

Gu Youyou can also understand that if the second young master Xie really hates this wife so much, then the more people help her, the more disgust he will feel.

It's a pity that divorce is too expensive for women in this era.

Gu Youyou raised her hand to knock on the door, but Lin Qianqing stopped her.

"Why don't we go over the wall to save trouble." Looking at Lin Qianqing's appearance, she probably did a lot of work over the wall, and it was really difficult for a girl like her.

Gu Youyou thought about it carefully, knocked on the door, she still had to explain something, and she had to say something about whether she could go in or not.

But it's not necessarily a good way to climb over the wall. Gu Youyou hasn't done it before at his age.

Visually inspecting the courtyard wall, it is two or three meters long. Let alone whether it can be turned in, if it is turned in, how to explain it?
Ouch, it came so suddenly, I didn't think of a good word to say, but it was really troublesome.

"Don't climb over the wall, let's go in directly." There are some explanations on the left and right, and it has nothing to do with whether to climb over the wall or not.

This is just Lin Qianqing's habitual thinking.

Gu Youyou raised her hand to knock on the door, but before she could knock hurriedly, the door opened by itself from the inside.

The one who came out was a little girl. Looking at her attire, she was a maid in this mansion.

She was obviously very surprised when she saw two well-dressed ladies outside the door.

But immediately thought of something, and felt relieved.

"The two young ladies are here to attend the third young lady's wedding ceremony. You have gone to the wrong place." She pointed to the direction they had just come and said, "Third young lady's yard is over there."

"We..." Lin Qianqing was about to say something, but was pulled down by Gu Youyou.

Casting her a reassuring look, Gu Youyou took a step forward and said to the maid: "We are indeed here to attend the third lady's wedding ceremony in your mansion, but it's still early, and the third lady asked us to walk around in the garden of the mansion. Take a look, I don't want to disturb the... master here."

Gu Youyou looked at this remote courtyard, and asked: "I wonder who lives in this courtyard? It's so lively today, why don't you go to the front hall?"

The other party thought that the two ladies from the outer palace didn't know the inside story, so he didn't think too much, and said: "Our second young lady lives here. The second young lady has been unwell recently, and it is inconvenient for her to go out."

"Second Young Mistress is unwell?" Gu Youyou raised her eyebrows, her heart was full of joy, she has a door!

"Since it's fate to come here, I happen to be a doctor, can you let me in to treat the Second Young Mistress?"

"Are you a doctor?" Hearing Gu Youyou's words, the girl was surprised.

After hearing these words, Lin Qianqing also laughed.

Heart said: Cousin is really powerful, now there is a legitimate reason to go in.

"That's right, my cousin is a doctor, Doctor Gu from Jishengtang. She is also a doctor who has been awarded a miracle doctor plaque by the emperor today, and she is the female doctor with the best medical skills in the capital. If you don’t get my cousin’s diagnosis, your second young mistress is lucky.”

The servant girl looked at Gu Youyou, then at Lin Qianqing, blinked her eyes, seemed to recognize Lin Qianqing, and said in surprise, "You are Miss Lin?"

"Yeah? How do you recognize me?" Lin Qianqing's eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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