Chapter 548
The servant girl said: "Miss Lin came to Jie Mansion to play with our third young lady, I've seen it before."

"Oh!" Lin Qianqing nodded and said, "Then your second young lady's illness..."

The Second Young Mistress was really sick, and this servant girl came out at this time just to beg the aunt to invite a doctor for the Young Mistress to see a doctor.

The serious master had to ask his concubine for a doctor when he was sick, and the servant girl felt very sad when she thought of this.

She grew up next to the young lady, and she is really a master and servant, and a sister herself, but she is not as cruel as the young lady's serious sister.

Thinking of the sufferings of their master and servant, they couldn't help crying.

Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing looked at each other, slightly startled.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying so well?" Lin Qianqing asked.

The maid suddenly knelt down and cried, "Miss Lin, Miss Gu, please help our young mistress, our young mistress has been ill for many days, but she was grounded by the second young master..."

Gu Youyou's ears were sharp, and when she heard footsteps coming in this direction, she hurriedly said to the maid: "Since your young mistress has been ill for many days, go in quickly."

Gu Youyou wanted to hear her complain, the more she knew, the more she could help her make an accurate judgment, but right now was not a good opportunity, it would not be good if the people who came would disturb her.

"That's right, Doctor Gu is right, please come in, ladies and gentlemen." The servant girl is also considered a clever person, so she doesn't know that these things are not easy to say at this gate?
After inviting Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing into the courtyard, the maid hastily closed the door.

Two women came out from the other end of the path, seeing that the dilapidated red-lacquered wooden door was tightly closed, they stepped forward and locked the lock again.

Gu Youyou frowned when she heard the movement outside the door, the maid standing by the door was already pale as paper.

After a while, a woman's voice came from the door: "Our wife has told you that today is a good day for the third lady and Ji Zhili. I'm afraid that you, an unworthy person, will make trouble, but I can only wrong you. Peace After today, the old body will come to unlock this lock for you."

The other woman spat and said, "Why don't you explain it? The second young master said that she has been grounded for a month. It's only been a few days? Anyway, she can't come out of this yard. Wouldn't it be better to lock her up?" Peace of mind?"

"That's true! But our wife is kind-hearted, and she said that she will come to unlock her tomorrow."

The two wives satirized the serious lady in the courtyard while talking and laughing, and left.

The servant girl standing by the door was pale, she was biting her lip tightly, and her body was trembling slightly.

Lin Qianqing was very angry when she heard this, and she gritted her teeth and said, "This is too bullying, what kind of wife is that bitch? It's just a concubine who actually bullied the wife like this, even me, an outsider watching the fun I can't stand it."

Gu Youyou was silent for a while, and then said: "Let's go and see Second Young Mistress first."

Because there are few people in Jiefu, even if she is an unpopular abandoned woman, her yard is not too small.

It's just that the yard is deserted, desolate and lonely.

The garden in the courtyard was overgrown with weeds and rotting branches and leaves all over the place.

It was spring, and these rotten thick branches and leaves were left over from last year, enough to show the desolation of the courtyard.

There is indeed a big problem in Xie's back house.

"Master Xie doesn't care?"

Lin Qianqing explained in a low voice: "Didn't I tell you about it with my cousin? I have taken care of it a few times, but as a father-in-law, you can't keep looking at the things in your son's room. The Jie family has been monogamous for generations, and there has never been such a case." Trouble. Mr. Xie is vigorous and resolute in the court, but he is overwhelmed by the affairs in the back house and can't control it."

(End of this chapter)

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